Anyone having problems with embarrassing gas?

I am almost 7 months post op and have lost 105 lbs to date! I've not had any problems so far except one embarrassing one. That is bloating and gas! I developed this about a month ago. I've tried Phazyme, Gas-X and CharoCaps (activated charcoal caplets). Nothing seems to work! The charcoal gives a small amount of relief but I have to take 6-8 of them before I get any relief! Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do for relief? I called my doctor and he recommended the charcoal.    — ladybug711 (posted on October 23, 2004)

October 23, 2004
Tell me about it. I have had continuing problems with this with no relief.
   — Vel K.

October 23, 2004
Hi, I am new here and this is my first post. I have not had surgery yet but my mother had it 2 years ago with wonderful results. I have heard about a product that should help with the gas issue, at least I know that it helps with the smell~ It is called "Devrom". I know that Bariatric Advantage carries it but I have seen it cheaper other places on the internet. I hope that this is some help to you! Tonya
   — Tonya O.

October 23, 2004
at 30 months out, I still have gas issues as bad as I did as a newbie... with no relief. <br> WHat I have done when it gets bad is do a day of tea & water fasting (no sugar, etc.)... then start adding foods back into my diet, one at a time, and journal it. This always helps me pick out the "offending" food which has ALWAYS been the source of the problem!
   — kultgirl

October 23, 2004
Look at your 'diet' If I eat certain foods, I get 'more' gassy than if I dont. Ajusting may help.
   — star .

October 23, 2004
It's usually in your diet, so start with experimenting with what you're eating. Artificial sweetners are the biggest culpruit with me. I've tried 2 products that help with it and get marginal results (Inner-Mint and Devrom), but by watching what I eat I get the best results
   — Cathy S.

October 24, 2004
Have you tried treating it with Acidophilus? You can find it at a health food store and the ones stored in the frig are much better than ones on the shelf. It will give your tummy back its natural flora. I know when my husband goes on a yogurt binge that he is much more pleasant to be around. :-)
   — jenafwife

October 24, 2004
I was plagued with terrible gas for awhile until I discovered that my use of Benefiber was causing it. I was having constipation problems so I was using Benefiber every day. Once I quit the Benefiber and started using Citrucel more problems! Good luck in finding out what's causing your gas. It is miserable and I wouldn't wish the problem on my worst enemy!
   — Lori J.

October 24, 2004
Since eliminating sugar alcohols ie, sorbitol, mannitol, lactilol, etc. my sever problem is controlled. But if I slip up and have even a little of those ooooohhhhhhhh mmmmaaaannnn! it is awful.
   — **willow**

October 24, 2004
I have had the same embarrassing problem. Gas-x helps some but to control the odor I take 1 capsule of triple chlorphyll(sp?) and it has helped wonderfully.
   — Kathy C.

October 24, 2004
Hi, I am 6 years out and the gas does not get any better regardless what you eat. I had the same problem and tried every remedy mentioned in all the posts. I am talking so serious I never left the house and my family wanted to through me out. After trying all those other things that did not work. I went to my Gastro doctor and he did an upper & lower GI and found no problem. However, he also gave me a perscription for ULTRASE MT12. Oh my god this was a miracle. It is an enzyme. It seems my body and it sounds like yours too does not produce the nessasary enzymes to digest the food we eat. You take one capsule before each meal or snack and no gas. Ask your gastro doctor about it you will be in heaven with the results. Shana
   — shana1569

October 24, 2004
I had the gas problem withing the first ten days of surgery and asked the nurse at Dr. Fobi's office about it. She gave me a sample of a medicine called Devrom. It is a chewable tablet ...banana flavored. You can not get it in is from the Parthenon Co. Inc., Salt Lake City, 1-800-453-8898. I swear by made an immediate difference. You can take one or two right as you start to eat your meal. I bought one bottle and then bought 6 bottles to last me a while.. price was not prohibitive. This was developed for people with colostomies (sp?) and they have found it works for people with gastric bypass as well.
   — Judy W.

October 24, 2004
This happens to me occasionally. I find it's always when I eat too many carbs, especially anything with refined sugar. I can sometimes have gas pains & bowel movements that are, no kidding, worse than labor! I just make sure I eat my protein first, take it easy on the carbs, & minimal sweets.
   — fowlerloriann

October 24, 2004
I have had this problem too! Mine wasn't so much gas pains..just a lot of FOUL smelling gas..I finally bought some Devrom on the recomendation of my surgeons office and it has worked's not something I take every day, but I do take it when I know I am going to be in close social situations!
   — TOTY99

October 25, 2004
i found that taking beano works, take it before you eat. hope this helps.
   — Barbara M.

October 25, 2004
Yes, I had this problem and struggled with it for a long time. I finally found true relief when I started drinking Kombucha Tea and Kefir (from real kefir grains). You can do a search online regarding these beneficial fermented drinks, or you can email me privately with questions. Best wishes to you.
   — artistmama

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