If I didn't loose any weight since my first consult will they still perform surgery?

Has anyone had Dr Wernsing and not have surgery because you did not loose 10-20 lbs before surgery. I am scheduled for surgery on October 21st but I haven't been able to loose any weight.    — lbruzzese (posted on October 19, 2004)

October 19, 2004
I do not have your doctor but just keep in mind that your doctor may have a reason that his patients are required to loose weight pre op. I would come clean to someone in his office and tell them that you have not lost any weight before you go thru the pre op bowel prep. I also would not want to be in your shoes and get to the hospital and then be told that he was not going to do the surgery because of not loosing any weight. I think that would be more or an embarrassment than anything. Can you call his office without them knowing who you are and ask your question?
   — ChristineB

October 20, 2004
Centers like Make A Wish, and other doctors make you go on a diet before surgery for a couple of reasons. First, to see if you are committed to lose weight. Remember, this surgery is a diet tool. If you abuse it you will grain the weight back and you can have problems because of it. If you lose about 10% or 20 lbs it improves your health which will help you during the surgery (possible less problems). But the most important is your commitment to your new life and eating. If you haven't started changing your bad habits before the surgery they think you will not change after, which is true. Good Luck!
   — Linda R.

October 20, 2004
You really need to talk to your doctor. Quite frankly, I feel the requirement to lose weight before surgery to be unfair at the least, and cruel to set up for failure. I was not required to do that, But I did start an exercise program on my own to get into better shape preop for a faster recovery. The whole reason for having this surgery is that diets simply do not work. If they did we would not need surgery to lose weight.
   — **willow**

October 20, 2004
I agree with willow that the requirement to lose weight before hand is cruel. The reasoning that they want to see that you have a firm committment in crap. My aunt's heart surgeon did not make her stop smoking before he cracked her chest and did a heart bypass. Oh, he talked to her about it, strongly suggested it, but never once did he say he would not do the surgery if she did not quit smoking because she needed the heart bypass to save her life. To me it is the same difference. We talk and talk about how WLS is medically necessary, how it saves our lives, then the docs go and play mind games like this. All it does is prove to people that hey, maybe the ins. companies are right and this is elective. If we truly want WLS to be accepted as a mainstream way of losing and controlling morbid obesity, the docs need to treat it just like heart bypass, or organ transplant or whatever major mainstream surgery you want to compare it to. Ok, end of rant!
   — Ali M

October 20, 2004
My surgeon requires all his patients to lose 10% of their weight before he will do surgery. There have been patients who gained weight or never lost it and he cancelled their surgery. Loosing weight before surgery lowers your risk and it also shows how disciplined and determined you are.
   — Marti M.

October 20, 2004
I had my surgery at HUP (Pennsy's sister hospital) with Dr. Raper and while he didn't come out and say that I had to lose weight or surgery would be cancelled, he encouraged it. My wife put on weight between her initial consult and the surgery with Dr. Williams (also at HUP) and the surgery went on as scheduled. But I know of one person recently that put on 16 pounds and her surgery was postponed 3 months with the warning that if she did not lose *30* pounds by then, her surgery would be further delayed...Go figure...JR
   — John Rushton

October 20, 2004
I initially was trying to see Dr. Wernsing. IT IS A REQUIREMENT OR HE WILL NOT DO THE SURGERY at least that is what the nurse told me. After he cancelled my consult 2 times, I decided that maybe he was not the surgeant for me. I then went to Barix Clinic in Langhorne and they are awesome. The nurse there told me that why require a person that is having WLS to loose weight before the surgery. This is why they are here. Some people can not loose the wait not matter weather they eat right or exercise and need this additional tool to loose weight.What if someone eats right and can not exercise due to comorbids? they will loose little or no weight. A doctor that requires this does want to confrimt that you have discipline to deal with the new life style post op but if we could eat like post ops do as preops we would loose the weight. point blank what a WLS post op will not satisfy a person who has not had WLS our stomachs are much larger and need more food to fill it up.
   — JerseyGirl

October 20, 2004
I had my surgery thru Bariatric Treatment Center, Now Barix Clinics, they are awesome!!!!!! I think you should check it out if he is going to cancel surgery. They are no fuss, if you have insurance approval it could happen pretty quickly. I went from first consult in July, ins approval in August and surgery in September, and could have had it in August a week after my approval if I didn't have to give 30 days notice at work. No fuss, no jumping thru hoops, and they are experts in that this is ALL they do. they have a proven track record of > 20,000 surgeries done, a good over all program with as much education as you can get. I loved the big binder of instructions I got at My PAT's. they have a whole program, not just cut you and then your on your own like some doctors I have heard about. A big network of support groups, lifetime followup with a dietician, support when ever you need it.
   — **willow**

October 21, 2004
I just think that dr's who require you lose weight prior to surgery are on a power trip or something. Really, what is the point? They can come up with any rationale they want, but if we could lose weight on our own wouldn't we have done it? My surgeon thinks this is stupid as well. I think if he won't do your surgery because of something as stupid as this, then I would find someone else. There are alot of surgeons out there who actually get it. I would never have gone to anyone who required such a thing or insisted I go on a 2 week liquid diet. I didn't do any of that and am just as committed to success as someone who did. Sorry for my rant, but I am bugged by such things.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 21, 2004
I agree with willow BTC now Barix is the best! Had my first consultation with BTC in 9/2001 couldnt decide on weight loss surgery-- finally made the big decision so I had another consultation in 9/2002 weighing 35lbs more than the previous year...was approved in October, preop testing in November and had surgery 12/23/2002! I had a great surgeon who didnt make me jump through hoops and understood diets dont work. I have heard of another group of surgeons in my area who demand you lose at least 20 - 25 lbs before surgery and put you on a liquid protein diet for six weeks prior to surgery. Most of these post-ops have problems later eating meat, etc. Not sure why. Find another surgeon and best wishes to you!
   — debmi

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