Could this be gallbladder pain?

I have been having excrutiating abdominal and back pain for the last few weeks. It was a very quick onset that started out as sharp abdominal pains that sent me to the ER. They did a CT scan for kidney stones,found nothing and sent me home with kidney infection medication. The next day I was back in the ER with excruciating pain again. I mean the pain was so bad I could hardly walk. They sent me home with medicine for gastritis. I saw my PCP and a Gastro and they didn't know what was going on. I had an upper endoscopy done that was fine. The pain is no longer constant although I was in constant pain for about 2 weeks where I couldn't take 10 steps without doubling over in pain. Now, it's more intermittent pain and it's almost like I can feel it coming on. Did I mention I also have excrutiating back pain right below my shoulder blades? It feels better if someone puts direct pressure there for a while, but I'm talking about a pain so intense you can't keep still. Anyway, sometimes when I eat (or drink) the pain in my stomach is really bad and I start to have hot flashes and feel like I am going to pass out. It is usually over in about 45 minutes and it doesn't matter what I eat - low fat, low carb, no carb, whatever.Then some days I have no reaction to what I eat. And that is where I am today. Until this point, I have had no problems whatsoever - no big issues with dumping or anything. I could pretty much eat whatever I want (within reason). My surgery was 11/26/03(almost 9 mths post op) and I am down 97 pounds. I do have another appt scheduled with the Gastro for an ultrasound, but I was just wondering if this sounds like gallbladder pain? Or maybe pancreas? Since they don't seem to know. Should I suggest a Hida Scan if the ultrasound doesn't turn up anything?    — Sonya B. (posted on August 6, 2004)

August 6, 2004
Sounds like gallbladder to me. Putting a pillow over the area on your tummy and kind of pushing in where the pain is is a good way to 'dull' the pain, too. I'm surprised your Gastro doc didn't recommend an ultrasound! Request an upper abdominal ultrasound. If there's gallstones in there it's the only way to know. Good luck!
   — KelBurt

August 6, 2004
wow, i feel bad for you, honey!!! i can soo relate, as i have been going through a bit of the same. my husband has had back pain for 2 years, REALLY BAD, just like you desribe. we ended up in emergency one day, and they confirmed, GALSTONES.... so out came to GallBladder and the pain is GONE! i would have them check for gal stones, not kideny sotnes. Post op's a suseptable to gal bladder issues, so it would not be unusual. good luck and i hope your pain goes away!
   — glblgal

August 6, 2004
   — Shelley.

August 7, 2004
I had a similar thing happen over the last month and a half. Finally went to the ER, and after a CT scan and ultrasound, they didn't know what it was, but then they did x-rays, and discovered that my entire small bowel had risen above my large intestines. My dr. said that it wasn't real comon, but that usually when it does happen, only a small portion of the small bowel will go up, and sometimes it's hard to diagnose because sometimes it will rise and then fall back into place. I had to have surgery to pull it all back into place. It wasn't too bad, they just went back in through the same incisions. He said it was from loosing so much weight that the hole that my small intestine was brought up through to get to my pouch got bigger. Might not be the same thing, but you never know. . .
   — cheerydeary

August 7, 2004
Yup, sounds like gall bladder to me. I had just one attack that felt like really bad abdominal pain that started right by my ribcage and radiated down and around my back. It went away after 5 or 6 hours. I called my Dr. and she said to come into the ER if it happened again. I then read somewhere on this site about someone who had similar pain and had a sonogram to confirm gallstones. I called the Dr. back, had a sonogram and had the gall bladder removed at the end of June. A very easy surgery to recover from. Most go home the same day. I was out shoping and going out to dinner 2 or 3 days later and back to work in a week, although a weekend would have been enough time. I would hope the sonogram will diagnose the problem for you. Good luck!
   — Fixnmyself

August 10, 2004
hmmm........I can tell you that sort of the same thing happened to me on July 30th. I came to work and I was fine, but about an hour later this terrible pain started. It was quick too, it started on my right side and it kept getting worse and worse. After about 30 mins to an hour of this, I decided to leave work. Oh, how I wish I had someone drive me home, anyway, once home, I tried to lay down to help the pain, but nothing worked or helped. I had the most terrible pain of my life last for like 2-3 hours. (yeah, I know should have went to hospital. My husband was at work and didn't want to call grandparents to take me. At one point, I was nothing but pure sweat ( that came on all at once too, a HUGE HOTFLASH). I was laying in bed in front of the FAN and AC, trying to get cool, but then I would have a cold chill of course. I think the pain was so bad, I passed out in bed. I was very nauseated and just sick feeling. I finally got into the Dr. on Tuesday and was put on infection meds. I did have a urine test done and there was blood. They did lab work and it was fine. I had an ultra done on that Friday 8/6 and the Dr. called that afternoon and said that it was fine. I was off work for a week and this is my first day back. So, there where no Kidney nor gall Stones. They still don't know which it was at this point. I am still having some tenderness in the stomach area and now I am having lower back pain and it is very uncomfortable. Does this sound like kidney or gall stones or neither?? I hope they can tell you, what yours is and hope they can make it better for you. Good Luck
   — Amy C.

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