I have been losing weight just fine but

as I lose, I am getting an odd swelling in my abdomen, it's now the size of a softball, has anyone suffered from this?    — Tracydarlin (posted on August 4, 2004)

August 3, 2004
have your doctor check you out.. Does it come up bigger when you cough? could be a hernia...
   — star .

August 4, 2004
I have and it was a very large hernia. I had surgery 6/11/04 and feel great! Nurse advised me to try to lose more and get a tummy tuck at the same time. They didnt realize how large it really was. I went ahead and had surgery and my weight loss has started all over at 18 months post op
   — debmi

August 4, 2004
Probably a hernia. I am experiencing the same thing myself..especially when I cough. I am a wimp, cause I am don't really want another abdominal surgery..especially since my RNY was open and just a year ago!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 5, 2004
I was wondering... did you wear a binder after the surgery? My surgeon said he wants me to wear my binder for at least 2 months all the time ('cept for showers). Binders are to help prevent hernias.
   — SpyderS

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