What is this? String? Tummy Tuck

I have noticed that there are pieces of attached string places in my anchor incision from a tummy tuck that was performed May 17, 2004. I can pull on them but really don't know if this is apart of the sewing process of internal stitches or something left behind.They are white. Also, on my new belly button there is a sharp place. It feels like a sticker. Any ideas about what I should do? Or just leave them alone. Patti    — classydame1 (posted on June 11, 2004)

June 10, 2004
DON'T PULL THE STRINGS! They're nothing to be worried about...just the ends of the stitches. Just cut them as close to the skin as possible (without cutting yourself:)). I don't know what's sharp on your belly button, but call you PS if you're concerned.
   — Leslie F.

June 10, 2004
I agree with the previous poster. Don't pull on the strings. They are part of the stitches. However, I wouldn't cut them off. I would let the doctor do that. Point it out to him on your next visit.
   — Patty H.

June 10, 2004
My PS said that was normal. As everything heals, the stitches work themselves out. He told me I could just snip them myself or if I got 6 or 7 and would rather, just call and come in and they would take care of it. I had a sharp little place near my belly button that I think was a stitch with the skin healing over it. It seems to have worked itself out now. I had my abdominoplasty on 4/23. I'm really starting to itch a lot along my tummy. Hope this goes away soon.
   — Tparker

June 11, 2004
I had my TT 4/19. Over the ;ast weekend I was getting ready to take a shower and I felt what I thought was a scab at my incision so I pulled on it. It was a stitch. When I looked down I was bleeding from were it came though the skin. I poked it back in and then it stopped bleeding. My husband said I should have pulled it out. A couple of days later I started to gently pull on it and the loop got bigger and bigger and then one end popped out. I cut the other end off. We measured it and it was 12" long. The doctors office said that was alright but watch the area to make sure it doesn't get infected.
   — bbjnay

June 11, 2004
I had a TT/BL on 4/23. A stitch worked it's way out along my boob. I tried to pull it and cut it but I made a bloody mess of it and went to the DOC the next day who took it out easily. I felt another spot but it has dissolved. The itching is still bothering me though not as much, I use benedryl cream when it gets bad.
   — Connie M.

June 11, 2004
Those white stringly threads are dissolving stitiches....they "spit" out in some patients. Deep ones should be pulled by the doc...I don't recommend digging around as you could invite an infection. The harder stitches like "stickers" are nylon or the like that may or may not dissolve...your doc needs to know about those.
   — DrL

June 12, 2004
I'm a stitch spitter from way back. LOL Actually my PS's are the first surgeries I have had that I had zero stitch issues with. I've spit stitches on foot surgeries, lap gallbladder removal, carpal tunnel etc. Heck I even had to have a huge hole opened up in my WLS incision at 3 months to remove the dissolvable stitches in the fascia that would not dissolve and let the incision finally heal. Got them out and then my body was so happy and healed right up. <p>One of the things my PS does is a running stitch for a lot of the area so that there are fewer knots as he said it's been his experience that the knots cause the most problems. He also glues the surface. My LBL incision I had no spitting and hope it's the same with the PS I had on Monday. For me the glue on the surface works really well and minimizes the look of the scar. I know some docs don't agree with it because of the cost but I like the results for my body. With staples I always end up with the little marks from the staple legs showing. Everything is flat etc. but they do show. Call the doc and get it taken care of.
   — zoedogcbr

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