Is it possible to partially finance WLS? My insurance doesn't cover any WLS.

   — Joie B. (posted on April 2, 2004)

April 2, 2004
Hi Joie! Lots of us end up as self-pay patients. There are SO many ways to end up paying for it. Some people use their retirement or the like type funds - some funds allow withdrawls for medical purposes as pre-tax dollars, even. Other people take out loans or lines of credit. Some people take out a 2nd mortgage or home equity loan - or have a friend or family member do so on their behalf. I know people who have sold collections - one lady's sweet hubby sold his antique car to pay for her surgery! I know of people who have had church or community groups rally around them and do fund-raising. There are tons of ways it happens! I was the extremely blessed and fortunate recipient of an anonymous donation - just in the nick of time - I was dying! I also have several medical finance companies listed over at in the web links, under the finacing section, I think. Best of luck to you - and please let me know if I can help out, okay? Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

April 3, 2004
Hey- its VERY possible! Infact, thats what Im doing! My insurance sucks so Im having to finance half and put the other half on a credit card. Im only 19 so I have no credit so my dad is actually financing it for me, but I will be responsible for the payments afterwards! Here is the website to the company I am using. I got approved over the phone. ALSO- you will probably get more $$ if you have a co-signer with good credit. I hope this helps! If you have any more questions you can email me at [email protected]
   — Valerie03

April 5, 2004
I took out a loan from my bank but I know that Capital One also finances surgeries. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 7, 2004

   — **willow**

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