I really dislike chewable vitamins and wonder why they are

preferred to other regular vitamins taken by mouth (like centrum silver)? Thanks for responding! Elizabeth    — Lucky O. (posted on October 25, 2003)

October 25, 2003
hi well i bought a big bottle of chewables...and about a week after surgery could not stomach the taste....was fine before. my surgeon says they are fine whole...i personally have trouble swallowing them so bought a pill slicer, so i chop them up smaller...they are truly abosrbed the same way...although there are some brands that are suppose to be better at absorbing then others. HUgs Dawn POST RNY sept 29 2003
   — sweetdarling_ab

October 25, 2003
I use regular swallow multi vites. I never could stand chewable anything in vites. Yuck. The ones I use break down in less than a minute inn saliva-water.
   — vitalady

October 25, 2003
I'm just not a big pill taker (nor a big-pill taker). I like the taste of the Twinlab Chewable Calcium Citrate and for the multivite, it's either the Centrum Chewables or the CVS store brand Spectravite...JR
   — John Rushton

October 25, 2003
I'm sure the reason chewables are preferred to the others is due to the fact that they DO disolve easily. A lot of OTC vitamins have binders and fillers and some very tough coatings. They will not disolve as thoroughly and (if they don't get stuck) pass through our system without us getting the full benefit. This is true for people who have not had this surgery and don't have the malabsorptive factor to consider so imagine how it could be with us. Our systems no longer allow enough time to digest nor do we have the digestive 'juices' like we used to. I've become used to the chewables, although when I first started taking I thought I would die they were so awful, but now I break them down into a couple of pieces and swallow them with water. If you still can't tolerate them and want to try the others I would suggest the kind that don't have a hard colored coating - something very natural like you might get at a vitamin store. Before taking them (and I use this test myself) test them by putting them into a glass of very warm water, similar to your body temp and try to see how well/how long it takes for them to disolve. If it doesn't take too long in only water (no acid) they should be fine. Didn't mean to ramble - this just happens to be one of the few things that I do know! :-)
   — Pambylah

October 25, 2003
I saw a discussion in the yahoo OSSG grads board once, where somebody found out they don't fully digest the hard-coated vitamins 'cause the vites (I think they were One-A-Days) were turning up, whole, in the septic tank (ugh!). That was enough for me to decide to use only chewables or thin-capsuled stuff, though I think the spit 'n water test is a good idea too.
   — Suzy C.

October 25, 2003
I only had to do chewables for 6 weeks then started taking over the counter prenatals. The first few weeks, your pouch is too swollen and too sensitive to handle the pills.
   — Patty_Butler

October 25, 2003
It's because you can't take large pills at first. I used Centrum Chewables. Not the kids kind, an adult orange flavor. Once I was able to take pills I just did that. I don't like chewables.
   — mrsmyranow

October 25, 2003
Nutrinate prescription prenatal chewable vitamins - they taste great.
   — jengrz

October 26, 2003
If you are 9 weeks, or more, post could try taking a regular multi vite and see how it goes. I think I was 8-10 weeks out when I switched over. If it doesn't go well, you could always look for a chewable without iron....they do taste some better.
   — eaamc

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