What is typical weight loss at 9 months Post Op?

I know we are not supposed to compare.....but what is the average weight loss at 9 months post op? I had lap rny on 1-28-03 and have lost 85 lbs so far. I drink approx 80 ozs of water a day and get in about 60-80 grams of protein. I avoid carbs and sweets like the plague. I exercise 3-4 times a week. My loss has slowed to about 4-5 lbs a month at this point. My starting weight was 308.5 and I'm concerned I may not reach my goal weight of 175.    — Shari T. (posted on October 21, 2003)

October 20, 2003
In 9 months I had lost 108 pounds. However, I watched what I ate and worked out like a fiend to get the weight off as fast as I could. I was a lightweight and only had to lose about 125 pounds. I was done by month 10.
   — Patty H.

October 20, 2003
i think everyone is different therefore there is no typical amount at any month...i am 7 months and have lost 115 so far,but i have noticed the last few months i have only lost like 2 or 3 pounds a month...i know this is pry my fault as i have not been eating very well at all meaning i have been eating the wrong foods and not getting in enough protein...congrats on your weight loss
   — cheri S.

October 20, 2003
Shari, There is nothing typical about this surgery other than how it was done in the first place, but even that can differ. I've seen weight losses range from maybe 50 lbs to 300 lbs in 9 months. So many things factor in. It appears you are doing everything you should so just keep with the program. Are you doing any weight training? If not, consider starting some as it builds muscle and while that will show less weight loss at first it will boost your metabolism and turn your body into an efficient fat burner. Ultimately it's not the lb # that matters as much as how we feel and look and muscle looks pretty darn good. I've lost 185 lbs by 8-1/2 months but I started way higher than you and have been pretty strict protein the majority of the way. There is no rhyme or reason why someone loses more or less when we are all doing what we should be. Just enjoy the progress and I'm very confident you will make that 175. You are more than 1/2 way there. Don't fret!
   — zoedogcbr

October 20, 2003
I started at 305, I am now at about 174. I am 14 months out. Just keep up the good work and you will get there. Enjoy the weight loss process. I am still losing a lb here and there but I am satisfied where I am now as long as I don't start to gain....
   — Sharon1964

October 20, 2003
I think it's healthy to explore what some others weight loss has been. You seem to be on the right track as stated in your question/explanation. I will be 9 months post op on the 29th and have so far lost 135 lb. My opinion is to focus on your self and think of the weight you have already lost. We find ourselves thinking "but I only have this amount more to lose" instead of "look how far I have come already". I know it's tough. Just remain positive.
   — Kitty Kat

October 21, 2003
I am also 9 mo post op (Feb. 3, 03) and I have lost 134 lbs. I started at 304 and I am now at 170. I have 20 lbs until my goal weight of 150. I don't think there is anything wrong with asking others where they are either. Good luck to you.. you will make it to your goal.
   — SarahC

October 21, 2003
I'm a slow loser too. I'll be 9 months post-op on the 31st. I've lost 95 pounds so far. The past couple of months I've been losing about 7lbs per month. Hang in there! We'll get there! Hugs, Tam
   — Tamara S.

October 21, 2003
I started at 306 and am at 162 at 11 months out. I see no reason for you to think that you won't reach goal. You may take a bit longer than some, but that's no reason to panic. Just keep up with the program and have faith. If you want to see my month by month progress, you can check my profile. Some months fluctuate, just because you only lost a few pounds last month doesn't mean that you will repeat that patten necessarily. I was a little faster, but slow and steady wins the race! Congrats on your wonderful loss to date and stick with the plan to keep up the good work.

October 21, 2003
<b>Im at 10 months now and have loss 145 lbs. Remember everyone is different. I have hit 2 major plateaus big time. when I lose fast It's soooooooo nice, But when I get a awful plateau, it's so annoying and depressing. But I must say the adventure is so wonderful.</b>
   — Naes Wls J.

October 21, 2003
I think your weight loss is typical for where you started and for where you are now, and the fact that you're still losing shows that what you're doing is working. But if you feel it's too slow, or that it might slow down well short of your goal, here are some other thoughts:<P>One piece of info missing from your question is your daily calorie intake. With protein intake of 60-80 grams daily, you're getting roughly 240-320 calories a day from protein (as protein grams are 4 calories per gram). At ten months out, I would imagine you should be eating at least 1000-1200 calories a day, which means 3/4 to 2/3 of what you're eating *isn't* protein (if you don't know for sure what it is, track it on to see). If you're not taking in that many calories, maybe you should be, as weight loss can be too slow if you don't eat enough at this point. If you're taking in more than that, maybe you could consider cutting back. If the carbs are higher than you'd thought, eating more protein and less carbs may be another way to go.<P>Another issue to consider is whether you should bump up your exercise level somewhat in order to be sure your heart rate is getting into the cardio range; the type of exercise you do at six months post-op won't be as challenging to your body by the time you're ten months out (and that much lighter). If you're walking, try mixing it up by speed walking, jogging a little bit, or swimming, or biking, now and then. Harder exercise may also require more calorie intake to support it, but if it gets your metabolism working better, you'll wind up ahead in the long run. Good luck!
   — Suzy C.

October 21, 2003
Low average weightloss would be 79 pounds. Congratulations for being totally normal! :)
   — mrsmyranow

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