Pain in rib area/chest

Well here goes again, I'm still experiencing pain on my right side, under the arm, between ribs. It usually starts after I eat. I have tried for over 2 months to figure out what is going on. I had few bites of stemed vegs and a couple fried potatoes last night at Appelbee's and within 30 minutes I was throwing them up. I have tried to figure out if I'm eatting to fast, if bites are too big, the type of food is to greasy, not chewing enough. I've gotten to the point were I don't like eatting outside of my own home for fear of throwing up at work or in the bathroom of resturants. I purp alot and that's another embarssing situation at work. My meals are peanut butter for protein, oatmeal or soups. Meats, pasta, or most real food has become a total pain. If anyone reading this has any information I would appreciate it. I've had upper GI, nothing found, Gallbladder removed at time of RNY over 1 year out. I'm scheduled for an EGD in January, thinking about rescheduling for sometime this month. Thanks for letting me ramble on and any input would be appreciated. Thanks.    — Jeana S. (posted on October 12, 2003)

October 12, 2003
Get scoped now, sounds like you have a stricture or partial blockage from adhesions. Theres no reason for you to tolerate this, get it looked at now.
   — bob-haller

October 12, 2003
It could also be gas.... I had the same pains, although I did not and haven't vomitted, but when I asked my Dr. what it was they said it is most likely gas or it can be a sore muscle.. They told me unless it becomes severe there is no need to worry.. I would definitly call your Surgeon to make sure that is the case... My pain would also hurt when I would take a deep breath, it felt like someone had punctured my lung... I hope you feel better.. Take Care
   — baybekmbrly

October 12, 2003
Having the same things going on. I am scheduled for my upper GI in the morning. For me tho its on the left and is excruciating. Let me know what you find out. /hugs
   — RebeccaP

October 12, 2003
I had experienced pain in the same area 3 years after surgery. Since I still have my gall bladder the doctor ran all the usual tests including cat scan and a hida scan. The tests showed nothing was wrong. I returned to see my wls surgeon about the problem and she said it was probably irritable bowel syndrome and prescribed an inexpensive medication to help. That medication helped relieve the pain. I also found out that antidepressants(seretonin) help relieve irritable bowel syndrome and I have also been on that for about 6 months and I no longer have any pain in the rib area. Good luck finding the source of your pain.
   — Lois S.

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