Does anyone have bad pain around the tail bone

i'm 11 months post-op for the last 3 or 4 months i have had bad pain on my tail bone it dosn't matter if i'm sitting or laying down or even if i where jeans it hurts if anything pushes on it it hurts i do have osteroarthritis could this be the problem? thank you for any help.    — Diane A. (posted on October 6, 2003)

October 5, 2003
Hi sweety, I to suffer from bad tail bone pain. I went to my doctor and told him about it and seems he thought I broke my foot. So he sent me to a podiatrist and sure enough my foot was broke. (right foot). I had no idea my foot was even broke. Now I dont know if THAT has anything to do with it or not but, I do know it has been a few months since my broken foot thingy and I still have the tailbone pain. Last year I had surgery to remove my gallbladder and repair a large hernia and I could not lay down in my bed after surgery. I had to sit in a chair to sleep when I got home to recover. I dont know if the anestestia (sp?) had anything to do with it or not but ever since then I have deevloped this pain in my tailbone. But when I went to my doctors about it is when I found out I had a broken foot. So I dont know if the broken foot had anything to do with it or not but I still have the pain. Hugs Mickey Craig. You can write me at [email protected]
   — MCraig3

October 5, 2003
Hey Diane! I'm right at 11 months post-op myself and my tailbone constantly hurts! When I questioned my doctor about this, he said it was very common, especially in women. He said over time, the discomfort would ease and become less and less noticable (hasn't happened yet!). The reason this happens, according to him, is because our bodies are dramatically changing and our level of fat pad is reduced in that area making it more prone to irritation. He also said our center of gravity is changing, thus putting more pressure on our hips now than before we had surgery. I also have osteoarthritis, so expect the irritation to last longer than normal but he assures me it will eventually go away. Good Luck!
   — Dena C.

October 5, 2003
To put a different spin on this: The tail bone can develop what is called a "pydanydial cyst" (?SPELLING) it is a cyst on the end of the tailbone. I had one develop when I was a teenager, it would come and go, finally in my late 20's it required surgery- there is no outward signs, unless it inflames, but it can be extremely painful-
   — ~~Stacie~~

October 5, 2003
I have had the same problem for thelast 8 months or so. sometimes it hurts so bad. I have proceeded to increase my back pain cuz I always sit either on my foot or with my leg crossed to take the pressure off teh coccyx area. I had an MRI for my back and the coccyx is NORMAL so my neurologist told me its cuz I have no padding there anymore and now its tender because its used to being padded. GUess I need to toughen up !
   — Lesley T.

October 5, 2003
Diane, I am 5 months post op and have a horrible pain in my behind... no matter what I sit in or on it hurts... i just attribute it to weight loss and less padding... good luck... maybe this will get better in time...
   — Stephanie C.

October 6, 2003
I am 7 months post op and down 115#. Lately I have also noticed this discomfort in the tail bone region. Several nights ago, I noticed that I could actually feel the bones in my butt/small back area. This was extremelly weird for me! Who knew there were bones there? There is no padding anymore! I think/hope that as time passes and my body makes its adjustments the discomfort will go away. Until then, I try to adjust my sitting positions and not stay seated for quite as long. It helps some. Good luck to you!
   — Jaime H.

October 8, 2003
I fractured my tailbone 20 years ago when I fell roller skating. I used to have some mild pain, but since I've been obese, no pain at all (probably from all the padding!) Anyway, once I got down to my goal weight, the pain came back -- and it was worse pain! I attributed it to the padding all being gone. Other than the the fact that everyone thought I was looking bad and needed to put on a few pounds, I just wasn't feeling as good as I had been. I'd like to say I gained 8 lbs. on purpose, but I didn't -- but I know eating habits. I look better with those 8 lbs., I feel better, and my tailbone no longer now instead of my goal being 150 lbs., it's 155-160 lbs. If I could take 5 lbs. off my butt and thighs I would, but I know from experience if I lose 5 lbs. it's going to come right off my face, neck and shoulders and I'd start looking ill again. Good luck to you!
   — Lynette B.

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