What's a stoma, a stricture and what is AMOS?

Hi Everyone, my surgery is scheduled October 27th and the questions are coming faster than I can place them into words! I've been reading this site as much as possible and I have some nagging questions. What is the "stoma"? I mean, I've gathered it's the stomach after surgery...also referred to as a pouch. What is a stricture? Is that when the pouch/stomach gets SMALLER after surgery? And my last question I think is directed to itself...What's the AMOS group? What does that stand for??? Thanks for everyone's help, encouragement and wisdom!    — Louise D. (posted on October 2, 2003)

October 2, 2003
Louise: The stoma is the new opening between the pouch and intestines after an RNY procedure...a stricture is the narrowing of the stoma and AMOS stands for the "Association for Morbid Obesity Support" (look at the top of this web page).....Good luck on your surgery!!!
   — Amy A.

October 2, 2003
I too was/am confused by the term "stoma". When I was in the hospital having an endoscopy I was concerned and wanted to make sure they didn't stretch my "stoma". The doctor performing the procedure told me I don't have a "stoma" people who wear bags have a "stoma". He looked at me like I was stupid. So I can't really answer your question. Lynda ME/FL
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 2, 2003
From Merriam-Webster's: stoma - "an artificial permanent opening especially in the abdominal wall made in surgical procedures". It doesn't mean that it *has* to be made in the abdominal wall...JR
   — John Rushton

October 3, 2003
Louise, there is a great library on this site that you do research in. Look at the top of the page for the link to the library. Its a great help for questions such as yours.
   — Cindy R.

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