Has anyone had a TT that involved a 2nd incision, up and down?

I went to see the plastic surgeon yesterday, I'm looking into having a hysterectomy (because of being anemic) and a tummy tuck at the same time (if they'll let me, anyone been able to do this?) The surgeon said that due to an old gallbladder scar, she would have to do the hip to hip, plus an up and down scar just below and above my now existing belly button, to prevent a triangle area of skin (tissue) from dying. She's not really convinced that both surgeries should be done at the same time due to the extensive part the plastic surgery will have. Has anyone else faced this? Your input is appreciated.    — Jennifer C. (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
I also just had a PS consult yesterday and was told that an anchor incision would be the best in my situation because of the excess skin I have on the upper abdomen. I was an open RNY, so I'm used to having a vertical scar there. Can't help you on the two for one deal. I'm not contemplating a hysterectomy any time soon. Good Luck.
   — Ali M

September 3, 2003
I don't know the full extent of the hysterectomy but my sister just had one and they did it vaginally. Just a thought.
   — Jeana S.

September 3, 2003
My mother had a tummy tuck and hysterectomy done at the same time back in 93. Don't know if that really helps you, because she doesn't have the anchor, just the bikini incision. Best of luck!
   — ladyphy

September 3, 2003
I've been doing some research on PS and lower body lifts on the internet and the vertical incision is quite common for an abdominalplasty because they also tighten the abdominal muscles. Personally I would want it done that way because I have an extra set of breasts (as I call them) that won't just flatten out by being pulled down, at least that's what I think with my non-medical opinion. LOL It also will allow my WLS incision to be fixed. It looked wonderful until I had to have a 2nd surgery to removed stitches that would not dissolve and allow the incision to close up. I ended up with a hole about 1-1/2" in diameter so they could get all the way down to the fasca. When it healed up it is puckered where the hole closed down and the skins a little on the tight side there. It would feel better if that was removed and things were resewn and allowed to heal normal. I have a consult next Tuesday, so we will see what the PS has to say about my theory.
   — zoedogcbr

September 4, 2003
If you click on my name and go to my website you can see the pics of my TT I have an anchor cut. It was done all at once. Along with a hernia repair. E-mail me if you have any questions. I had very little pain and was back at work in two weeks.
   — nkoehler88

September 8, 2003
My PS did a hip to hip incision. I went to see a PS before him who wanted to do the anchor cut. I didn't want that huge scar so I went to my current PS. He said that the only people who need the anchor cut are people who have a LOT of excess skin and fat above the belly button. I thought I had a lot but he said that I didn't. He was able to do a complete abdominoplasty on me with the hip to hip incision and it looks great. Always see 3 or 4 plastic surgeons before deciding on one. There are still a lot of PS's out there who are used to the old school way of doing things when newer and better methods can be used. If 4 different PS's tell you the same thing, then it's probably true. However, if you get several opinions you can make a better informed decision. I'm thrilled that I went with my current PS. The other one would have hacked my body up for no good reason.
   — Patty H.

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