Has anyone ever became a vegetarian after gastic bypass?

I am curious about alternative ways of getting protein besides eating more meat. If someone has done it or knows of a way that it can be done please let me know.    — Diana D. (posted on September 2, 2003)

September 2, 2003
I absolutely crave red meat since surgery. I couldn't possibly eat enough tofu, beans etc to meet my protien needs otherwise. I would think you could use protein supplements if you seriously need to be a vegetarian.
   — **willow**

September 2, 2003
I have been wondering about this also. I know there are vegetarians who have had WLS. I'd be interested to know how they get in enough protein. I was vegetarian for several years but I don't think I was all that healthy of a vegetarian at that time. However, with all the meat that I've been eating, I've been thinking about the vegetarian alternative again - or at least incorporating it more into my diet. I'm so sick of meat - beef, poultry, and I can hardly tolerate fish which is very unusual from before wls. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 2, 2003
YES! I've since become a vegeterian. I've never been one to eat pork, and the only beef I ate before surgery was hot dogs, hamburgers, and beef on my pizza. After surgery I could eat it by suffered much discomfort. I never really liked turkey,or chicken for that matter, and I eat NO seafood so I've turned to the delicious Veggi burgers. I did still crave for burger king's whoppers, but slowly over time, I discontinued it from my diet, and got used to life without it.One thing I would advise is to talk to your surgeon about it first though because red meat makes up allot of your protein. I practically have to overdose on centrums multi-vitamins and protein bars and shakes, although my surgeon said it wouldnt be so bad since I was only 20. Good Luck and e-mail me if you have any further questions, and/or comments!
   — Miko P.

September 3, 2003
Thanks for your answer as I see not many have come forth with any other alternatives. I think that eating so much meat for me is not that healthy. I am 32 and very concerned about what I put into my body now. I eat so much meat that it does not leave much room for veggies and that is because I am to consume all of my protein through food and not supplements. I was never a meat eater before "bread" was my best friend and worse enemy, but that was my food of choice. Now, I crave veggies but know that I would not get enough protein from them. Please email me the names of some books or sites that can get me started in the right direction. [email protected] Thanks for any and all information.
   — Diana D.

September 3, 2003
I did want to add that My cholesterol has gone from 240 to 123 while eating red meat pretty much 4 or 5 days a week, and eggs at least 4 or 5 breakfasts a week!
   — **willow**

September 3, 2003
I've been a vegetarian for 15 years, and I continue to be one after WLS (I had the DS, not the RNY). In the first few months, it was difficult to get enough protein, and I had to rely on shakes. Now that I'm 14 months post-op, I really don't need the shakes anymore, though I still do them occasionally. I get 80-100 grams of protein every day from food sources alone. The same kinds of foods I ate before surgery -- beans, grains, tofu, veggies, cheese, yogurt, nuts, etc. If you're interested, check out the DS_Vegetarian Yahoo group ( It's not just for DS patients -- we have several members who had other WLS procedures.
   — Tally

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