I am 6 months post op and have terrible diarrhea.

I have had terrible diarrhea since my surgery in december. I had the lap gastric bypass. My surgeon has now started me on the prescription creon. It is supposed to help with digestion and problems with the pancreas. I just started taking this so I dont know if it is helping yet.Has anyone had severe diarrhea after gastric bypass? I would appreciate any help I could get..Thanks!    — Kristin F. (posted on July 19, 2003)

July 19, 2003
Hi Kristin, With haveing this problem so long are you dehydrated? I just have a couple of questions, does the bm have lots of yellow water, not urine, and is your rear sore? Sorry to be so grafic, but if it has yellow water it may just be your old tummy secreeting alot of acid, and you would need a Rx for GERD like prevacid, or prilosec,etc. I dont have the burning in my esophogus, but I have a lot of acid; and if your not sore when you wipe that is probably it just acid. At times mine is like diarrhea with yellow water if I havent had my prevacid that day. Just a thought, Hope you get to feeling better.:0)
   — wizz46

July 19, 2003
I hope they tested you for parasites. You could have an intestinal infection. I hate when doctor's medicate before finding out what the problem is. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

July 21, 2003
I get bad diarrhea when I eat anything with white flour in it. You may have a food alergy. Anther common alergy is milk. Try cutting those out of your diet and let me warn you if you are allergic you will have withdrawl symptons. I physically crave wheat, I have torn apart the house looking for something I could eat that was the "least bad" It's a tough process and I'm not 100% successful. Good luck.
   — Sunny S.

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