How about consuming alcohol after surgery???

   — Rebecca B. (posted on June 24, 2003)

June 24, 2003
Hi there, I am pre-op but have been told by my surgeon that (depending on your type of surgery) if you have the RNY alcohol can make you dump because of the sugar. Also, the alcohol doesn't spend much time in your little pouch and goes right to your intestine, where it is quickly absorbed, therefore you may get intoxicated faster than usual on less alcohol than usual. My doctor said if you get both the intoxication and the dumping, you will likely spend the night in the back of your car wishing you would die while your friends party the night away! :) If you want to try it, I would suggest going very slow and trying just a little bit at first to see how it affects you. Don't drink as you normally would or you could be sorry -- test your limits first, or opt for a non-alcoholic drink instead! Good luck!
   — beeda

June 24, 2003
I would just like to add that you may want to test your tolerance at home, rather than out in public, lest you embarass yourself!
   — Moysa B.

June 24, 2003
I think I speak for many of us in wondering aloud-- are you inviting or simply inquiring? I didn't drink any alcohol for about 4 mos. after surgery--- then it was just two sips of beer. There was a definite quicker-than-usual hit from that small amount. Six months out, my wife and I went to a resort where alcohol was included. I didn't dump, but drank very slowly-- once again, I got tipsy much sooner than I ever remembered. Definitely test your tolerance at home and make sure that you've already eaten your protein and drank your water for the day before you imbibe.
   — SteveColarossi

June 24, 2003
I am 3 mos post op. I have had 2 glasses of wine in the last 4 weeks. Neither glass bothered me in any way, but I didn't "push it" by having more. Pre-op I could drink 3 glasses before I felt it. One seemed plenty this time around :-)
   — M B.

June 24, 2003
I'm 3 mos postop and last Sat. nite, I had 2 1/2 vodka/cranberry drinks each with a glass of water. I did not dump. I did get a little tipsy on the first drink, but then it seemed to disappear. But I would test it at home. I don't drink a lot, but every once in awhile I would like something.
   — TLLessor

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