Anyone recommend a cheap food scale?

I need to get a food scale that can weight by the oz. Something cheap but effective. Also, I need a scale to weigh me. Only has to go to 300lbs. Name a brand and place to buy it please...websites welcome.    — Renee B. (posted on May 24, 2003)

May 24, 2003
Hi there, I bought a small food scale the will weigh up to 5oz at Walmart. I paid less than $5.00 for it. SO far it has worked well for a fad diet I went through that I wieghed everything before I ate it. I plan to use it after surgery. It is also small enough to fit in to a purse or lunch bag if you wanted to carry it along with you. I also found this one on the internet that you can order for $13.95, it might work for you too. Good luck!!!!!
   — jennap

May 24, 2003
Our local dollar store has food scales for $1.00.
   — Dana S.

May 24, 2003
I might be way out of whack here, but you're not thinking of measuring your post-op portions by scale, right? We measure those by volume--how much space they take up. So, some 3 oz paper cups (bathroom Dixie cups?) would be perfect, disposable and everything. OR a good old measuring cup.
   — vitalady

May 24, 2003
Michelle - you are not out of whack. I measure my food by volume as well (more so now by sight than by actual measurement). Weighing by the oz could help if you make a note of how large a 3 oz (by weight) piece of chicken breast is...JR
   — John Rushton

May 25, 2003
I agree with John and Michelle....we should generally eat by volume, but the scale is good when learning how much something weighs - if you need to know ;>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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