What type of pre-op testing will I be doing directly before surgery?
Everyone speaks of a slew of pre-op tests that get done 1 week or so before surgery. What exactly are these tests? Is it just a re-do of everything before? So far I've had a zillion blood tests (all tests done twice), ultrasound of liver and gallbladder, sleep study, and am having a endoscopy of my stomach on June 2nd and PSY Eval on May 27th. What else will I be doing before surgery? Or is this it? — Renee B. (posted on May 19, 2003)
May 19, 2003
Copied this from my profile...Went for pre admission testing (PATs)
yesterday, and wanted to elaborate on this for anyone wondering about the
particulars. At BTC you will be registered, and all of your paperwork
(General info, insurance forms etc.) will be reviewed for accuracy. You are
given a Patient Advocate Form for instructions pertaining to your living
will. You will be weighed, vital signs (temp, BP, pulse) taken, and your
blood and urine samples will be sent to the lab. Unless you have had the
following done within 6 months, you will have a chest x-ray, gallbladder
scan (if you still have yours), a pulmonary function test, and an EKG. A
Nutritionist will speak with you about immediate post op feeding
instructions. BTC uses a progressive diet regime. Days4-6/Clear liquids,
7-20/Full liquids, 21-34/Pureed Foods, 35-41/Soft Foods, and 42+/Regilar
diet as tolerated. You will be given your “breathing
exerciser” and instructions as to its use. An Internist will see
you, and answer any questions/concerns about your surgery. He/she will make
the final determination as to your fitness for surgery. A nurse will
explain all of your pre op instructions, as well as answer any questions
you might have. She will inform you as to the use of your PCA (morphine
pump) and finally, when you will be called for the time of your arrival on
the day of surgery. Hope this helps =)
— Denise W.
May 19, 2003
It is up to your Doctor which tests he wants done. It also depends on what
co-morb. you have. I had the Psy eval done months ago & was just given
a list of test to have done the month b/4 surgery. blood draw for several
tests, chest x-ray,ultra sound of gallblader, ekg, upper G.I. & that is
it. You should check with your surgeons office & they will tell you
exactly what test they require for you specifically & how close to your
date they will take them.
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