12 mo's post-op and still losing hair

I know that there isn't a day that goes by that someone doesn't post a question about hair loss. However, I think that my question may be a little different...and it's two-fold. Let me preface these questions my saying that I have great eating habits (high protein, vitamins, etc) and all of my blood work has been coming back with no deficiencies. Here are my questions: (1) I first started losing my hair at 3 months post-op and it lasted until my 7-month mark. I then started losing it again at 9 months and now again at 12 months. It slowed down a bit between the 9-month loss and the 12-month loss, but I don't think I can say that it really stopped. Has this happened to anyone else? (2) For anyone who had significant hair loss throught this process, is there anyone who feels that it created long-term negative effects on your hair? Such as texture changes (curly to not curly, thick to thin, etc)? I'm really starting to become concerned about this and it's starting to effect me emotionally...I know that may sound silly! I have always had very thick naturally curly hair and now it looks dry, frizzy and thin. I can actually see the light through my hair!!! I am scared to death!!! All my life, my hair was my most attractive physical aspect and now it looks awful. HELP!?!    — pam29922 (posted on May 19, 2003)

May 19, 2003
Yes, I can relate. I am 14 months post-op and my hair has been a real issue. I didn't start losing mine until about 6 months out. It started coming out in handfuls. The loss has continued throughout these months, but I am growing new hair at the same time, which means I have all different lengths throughout my head. And YES, the texture is completely different. My hair used to be very easy to manage - not needing much hair spray - it would hold curl, and had bounce - people always commented on it. Now, it's limp, very silky (overly silky), very fine, constant electricity, hardly holds curl, and although I have it cut regularly, it seems to have no shape and it lays so awkwardly on my head now. The ends are very frizzy and hard to manage. I'm very disappointed and honestly don't know when I'm gonna find a manageable cut or style. Granted, it's a small price to pay for losing 160 lbs and becoming healthy, but still - it's disturbing and it does effect how I feel about myself. I am hoping that in time I will get used to it and learn how to deal with it.
   — Mary W.

May 19, 2003
How's your protein intake? And I'm not talking about your FOOD protein intake, I'm asking about your predigested whey protein intake. I lost hair until I got to 60 grams a day from whey. <p>How's your thyroid function? When you say your labs are normal, are you tracking them in a spreadsheet and observing any changes, or are you looking at each set of lab work individually? You can be in the lab's "normal" range and still be very low FOR YOU. Are you taking a kids' multi-vitamin or a real one? Are you taking your calcium citrate? How's your iron? What surgery did you have? <p>We really need more information to help you with this. Good luck!
   — Julia Z.

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