I keep throwing up a lot of mucus.....

I have read in the library about some people saying mucus in the pouch is related to a sinus infection..are there any other explanations? I dont reject foods at all but I get a ton of mucus in the pouch and it seems like every few days I go through some very gut wretching(nose running) vomiting episodes which is a result of massive amounts of mucus. I am about 6 weeks post op. I see the doc in a week at which point I will discus this but for right now does anyone know what this it always sinus? I cant tolerate claritin so I am hoping there is something else. Sorry for being so graphic.    — Jenny B. (posted on April 29, 2003)

April 29, 2003
Hi! I spent 2 weeks in the hospital last year due to this problem. I was severly hydrated due to the fact that I was unable to keep anything down. The surgeon called my problem mucus reflux. He says that our new stomachs have to learn to push the mucus that we have the other way like most people's stomachs do. I took children's Dimatapp for about 1 1/2 months and it worked like a charm. Email me if you have anymore questions. Tracy
   — tracyr

April 29, 2003
Hello, I had a lot of mucus as well and I didn't realize it until food occassionally diagreed with me anyway prior to my surgery I was on medications for my allergies but I stopped after I had the surgery. For me the mucus was very much related to my sinus problems post nasal drip and prior to all this I would say that I knew that I had a sinus problem but I guess I was in denial to the extent until I started to bring it up. good luck to you.
   — train

April 29, 2003
Hi there! I know exactly what you are going through, I was throwing up huge balls of mucus, it was pretty gross. I didn't even want to eat anymore, it was horrible. You can check out my profile if you like, it goes through all the different routes I tried to get this cleared up. I always had post-nasal drip, it just didn't occur to me that it would cause problems after wls. Now it's all in the past. I faithfully take my allergy meds (zyrtec and rhinocort), unlike before when I took them occasionally, and I think the further out you get your body starts knowing what to do with all that mucus. It didn't stop overnight but it gradually got better until I had no mucus problems at all. Soo glad that is over with, it was very discouraging trying to eat anything.
   — Dee ,.

April 29, 2003
I have horrible allergies and take Allegra each morning for them. However, back when I was about 3 weeks post-op, I began throwing up non-stop for a few days. My surgeon's office recommended that before bed I take a benedryl, just so I wouldn't produce as much mucous that would stay in my stomach. Ever since I began doing that, haven't had much of a problem with it. I'm 9 mos. post-op now and am down 140 lbs. I had lost another 41 between my first consult and waiting for surgery, so that's a total of 181 lbs since January 2002.
   — Cathy S.

April 29, 2003
I don't know what causes it other than drainage. I have it also. My nutritionist told us to drink a cup of hot tea or something else hot first thing in the morning to thin it out and let it push on thru. Otherwise, it just sits there in our pouch and then when food goes in, we are too full and we vomit. Usually the muscous come up first.
   — Delores S.

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