When can you go back to work?

I am due to have the surgery May 20 and wonder how much time do you need to be off work? I have been off work now for four weeks due to shoulder surgery and don't think they are going to be too happy to see me off another long lenght of time within two months. Any suggestions or advice I would greatly appreciate.    — Karene C. (posted on April 2, 2003)

April 1, 2003
I always see this question and I caution preops to NOT go by everyone else's experience. I'm a student and had WLS on my January break. I was off 2 weeks from school and went back and was miserable. I took days off and left early for a few weeks. If I had a job I would have needed 4 weeks off but didn't really start feeling good until about 5.5 weeks. Others can go back in a week or two and others do well with 6 weeks off. My advice is to take as much as you can and see if you can return early if you feel like it. However, be very very cautious about using others' experience as a guideline for what *you* will need.
   — susanje

April 2, 2003
Everyone's recovery is different. I went back to work part time after just 2 weeks. By the third week I was working full time, and I haven't slowed down since. Prior to surgery, I read a book "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster" and listened to meditation tapes. For me, I think the book and tapes helped a lot. This was my first surgery ever and I was amazed and how quickly I recuperated, especially since I had turned 50 and was feeling my age with all the extra weight.
   — Carla M.

April 2, 2003
It is different for everyone. Are you having lap (faster recovery time) or open? I've heard of some doing it lap going back to work in less than a week, on pain meds and very tired, and others taking a good 6 weeks. I think the minimum time you will need, if no complications and you have a desk job, is 2 weeks, and more time if you have a standing or lifting job or a complication.
   — Cindy R.

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