Has anyone had someone think that having WLS is a sin?

I was approached recently with this theory and told that "glutteny is a sin" and if I could control my glutteny maybe I wouldn't need the surgery. Has anyone had this type of attitude to deal wwith? If so, how do you answer this person.    — Vivian B. (posted on March 25, 2003)

March 24, 2003
Okay, if gluttony is a sin, and you have surgery to prevent this from happening, how is having the surgery a sin? I believe the the surgeons have been given the knowledge and skill to help me deal with this problem through surgery. I don't believe it is a matter of self control. And isn't it true that the Lord helps those who help themselves? I think I am helping myself by having had the surgery. Personally, I think it is extremely rude for someone to "inflict" their views in such a manner. I don't think I would have a civil answer. At least not one that would make it on to the board!
   — koogy

March 24, 2003
as my grandma used to say god helps those who help themselves. This is no different than cancer surgery. Both treat a disease that can kill you.
   — bob-haller

March 24, 2003
Yes, I do believe gluttony is a sin, just as lying is or stealing a pen from work, etc. Everyone sins. Daily. You can tell this person when they stop their sinning, you will be able to stop your sinning (gluttony). She/he can't do it? No DUH! People are so quick to judge sinners when it is something "they don't have a problem with". In fact, judging you alone is a sin. Only God judges. People have said changing what God gave us is a sin. So, giving someone a heart transplant is a SIN? God gave us these miracles of medicine and if someone wants to take that miracle away from God, tell them to take it up with HIM.
   — Kristy J.

March 25, 2003
All I can say is the person who told you that is ignorant and obviously has issues. I don't believe in sin anyway, but that's beside the point. I agree with the last poster about "let those without sin cast the first stone" or whatever the saying is. It just irks me when people use their religion to be hypocritical and judgemental! You are taking control of YOUR life and that is healthy and smart. End of story.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 25, 2003
I was told that I was going to Hell for having this surgery. I was hurt and upset by these remarks but talking to REAL Christians made me see the light. I'm ok with my decision and I'm sure my God is ok with it too. I'm not going to let dumb a$$ folks tell me other wise. Do what you know is right in your heart and you'll be just fine. Sidney Open RNY 10-23-02 down 70+
   — Siddy I.

March 25, 2003
I am sorry, but I giggled when I read this question, and I think that that would be my reaction to the person that said it. I think I would start laughing. Some people...geez!
   — fropunka

March 25, 2003
Yes, gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins. However, what Morbidly Obese people suffer from is a disease. And having a disease is completely different than comitting a sin. In preparing for surgery, it is important to remember that your mental preparedness is key to a good recovery. Mental preparedness includes keeping positive thoughts. Try to avoid people who induce negativity and self-mistrust. You are doing what you believe to be the correct choice for you. There are people willing to support you with your choice. Stick with those of us who support your decision and will encourage you rather than undermine you. You are on a journey of recovery from your disease! Congratulations on fighting your disease in a positive way. You are to be commended!
   — Susan F.

March 25, 2003
I've seen this question before and it just makes me so sad. These people cannot perhaps look at this as extending your life to do good deeds for God, they only look at what they want to see and use it to pass judgement on you. Ask yourself if you feel comfortable with your decision, then ask God- don't ask someone who interperts God's word on behalf of you- you'll get a thousand different answers. As long as you are comfortable, and God isn't throwing major lightenting bolt warnings your way (believe me, he made my path to surgery very, very easy) then there is your answer.
   — Karen R.

March 25, 2003
I must agree with everyone else. First, I think even God would tell this person to mind his/her own business. The Bible says to accept wise council. I think it is very obvious that this is not wise council. Pray. If you really feel that this may not be right in the eyes of God, pray. I did while I was waiting to hear about getting insurance. I not only feel more at peace about it, but I got the insurance too. God Bless you and everyone who reads this! Kelly Ramey pre-op
   — Kelly R.

March 25, 2003
"If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out" The size of my stomach OFFENDED I had it not plucked out, but made smaller.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 25, 2003
First, I wanted to thank you for asking the question. This is something that I have been worried about myself. I am currently waiting for insurance approval. Second, I would like to thank those that answered; your answers made me feel better too. All I have to offer is this quick story. I had an appointment with my PCP for something else and I planned to ask him what he thought about WLS. I was really nervous about what he would say and as I sat on the table waiting for him to come in I even considered not asking. My mom was with me and we said a quick prayer before the doctor came in that God would help calm my nerves about it and that the doctor would at least not be rude about it. After my examination, my PCP suggested it himself - I didn't even have to ask! That made me feel that God was on my side about this. I also had a very smooth visit with my surgeon. He was great! I agree with the other posters that you should pray about it. But I know God would want you to be healthy and feel better about the body he gave you. Good luck! I will keep you in my prayers.
   — Jennifer H.

March 25, 2003
How do you answer this person? Don't. There isn't anything useful you can say to someone like that.
   — Amber L.

March 25, 2003
I hope if I go to hell it is for something worse than this. I would hate to think my life was that boring. Tell em to take the pizza out of their own eye before they worry about the protein spec in yours.
   — snicklefritz

March 25, 2003
Pray to God and row to shore! That is what my mom used to say. It means that no matter how hard you pray or believe you still have to do the work. I would call this surgery some of the hardest work I have ever done in some aspects. I too would have laughed because I don't see how someone could say that with a straight look on their face. Was that a judgement? Shame on that person. If we are going to hell for this at least all of our friends will be there! Hee Hee!
   — Carol S.

March 25, 2003
I'd be tempted to answer that person, with my sweetest smile, and a VERY sweet "that's not what God tells me darling. But I do seem to remember a nice little verse that went something like . . . "Judge not, lest you be judged." And then, just ignore them. It's NOT their business . . .
   — RWH G.

March 25, 2003
II Kings 20:5b "I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; indeed, I will heal you". This is what God says, and this surgery was the means of that healing. I USE to think that if I only tried harder, or had more faith, or prayed more, or whatever, that I would be able to control my weight. NOT. Whoever said that to you has it all wrong. They're acting as if we're choosing to be MO. Do you feel like you have a choice? I didn't. This surgery is the ANSWER to being able to control our eating. It's the solution. Without it, it's like telling someone that "if you would just solve this unsolvable problem, then you wouldn't need the solution". Know what I mean?
   — mom2jtx3

March 25, 2003
AMEN!! & HALLILULIAH!! to all the other answers to this posting. First of all the bible says that if we see that our brother has fallen (in sin) we are to help them up not point the finger and condemn them. 2. Other poster is right M/O is a physical disease not an issue of spiritual fortitude. In the Lord's prayer it says : Lead us not into temtation but deliver us from evil. God has given the doctors the knowledge and wisdom to come up with this surgery as a way to deliver us from the destruction this disease can do to us just as other medical procedures can help with other diseases. Just pray for those that need the wisdom of God rather than the stupid rules and opinions of man made religion.
   — Kathy C.

March 25, 2003
I'll never forget my co-worker's response when I told her I was looking into wls. She said, "Why don't you just shut your mouth and pray". I still laugh when I think about. By the way, she is still one of my favorite co-workers. I didn't hold her comment against her.
   — Smitty B.

March 25, 2003
That's a new twist! I live in the land of plastic surgery and unrealistic body image. Someone I know who has had more than 4 different plastic surgeries (butt, boobs, thighs and eyes etc.) uses botox, had lasik and lazer hair removal actually asked me why I wanted to mutilate myself...Excuse me????? It takes all kinds!
   — Liz B.

March 25, 2003
Gluttony IS a sin. Says so right there. Morbid Obesity (or insulin resistance) is a phsyical disease. I guess I don't see the correlation. Kinda like they usta tell us diabetes was the result of eating too much sugar. Of course, it's always easier to blame the victim, then we can feel Oh So Superior. I got that once at church, also. I do not remember what I responded at the time. BTW, I LOVED Liz' answer!
   — vitalady

March 26, 2003
If this surgery is a "sin," then God sure has blessed this sin! That "stone saying" is in the Bible. It's not a saying, it is the very words of Jesus. No one can tell you what to believe in. You consider your own convictions from God and work on that relationship with Him. If you know Him like a friend, He won't leave this question unanswered. He wants to bless you and restore your joy. He is the master of our "fate." We don't have the power to approve insurance and surgery dates and health screenings. We have to let those decisions be placed in His hands and He already knows the outcome.
   — Stephanie N.

March 27, 2003
Anytime anyone decides to "share" their wisdoms with me, I ask them if judgement is also a sin. Thou shalt not judge, lest they be judged themselves.
   — wiggie34

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