Will I stop loseing?

I am going to have a scope done on Monday morning because I am 9 mts out and still throw up and have that stuck feeling. I am still pureeing my foods and I may need dialated. My question is if I am dialated will I stop loseing weight? Am I going to gain weight? and what if I DONT need dialated; am I going to keep throwing up FOREVER??? I know this is more than one question, but I am just concerned and need some answers.    — Ju Ju P. (posted on March 21, 2003)

March 21, 2003
Have you had any strictures in the past that had to be dilated? I've had three strictures (so far <g>), and I'm still losing. I have a sensitive pouch that often rejects food. I'm still on cottage cheese, some soups, cheese, and protein drinks. Meat of any sort has made me ill. After my last dilation, things have gone a bit better, but I still have bad days of nausea and vomiting. (I had open rny on 12/2.) The doc says some just react differently. Good luck.
   — Mary Ann B.

March 21, 2003
My hubby just had his stoma dialated on Tuesday. He had almost immediate relief from the constant pain and nausea and is still losing. It all boils down to energy in/energy out (calories). If you consume less than your body burns you will continue to lose weight. Good luck!
   — jnc

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