Are there any foods out there you wish you had had prior to surgery?

This might sound stupid, or even greedy. But, I'm so concerned with the idea of giving up my "best friend" food that I'm trying to think of anything and everything that I might want to have before my "birth-day". So, that's my question, mainly to Post-ops. Are there any foods out there that you wish you had had prior to surgery, but maybe you forgot? Thanks in advance. - Autumn (surgery scheduled 2/17/03)    — autumn F. (posted on February 4, 2003)

February 4, 2003
Nope. Unfortunately, the pleasure or "high" you get from eating your favorite foods dosen't last, so it makes no difference what I ate or didn't eat before surgery. I'm about five months out from surgery. Yesterday I really wanted some Jelly Beans. Would it have mattered if I had eaten a whole bag of them five months ago? I don't think so. (I didn't eat any Jelly Beans yesterday, by the way.) My pre-surgery food adivce is to follow your surgeon's instructions. If he didn't give you any, eat what you want, but don't try to "stock up" for later. It won't help the food cravings after surgery and will give you just that much more weight to loose.
   — Amber L.

February 4, 2003
Hi there, Autumn! Yes there is one. My husband had bought me some German brandy filled chocolates and I put them in our liquor cabinet and forgot them! I was trying to make sure things I ate some things I wouldn't be able to have after surgery , I had small final tastes of things before surgery and completely forgot them! I don't think your question was stupid or greedy, I knew my relationship with food was going to have to change and just as some may throw a Bon voyage party for someone leaving the country, I ate what I thought of, just not too much of it before my surgery. Your relationship with food will change and for the better. The only reason I think of these is because they were a gift from my hubby, almost anything else I want I can have,so it's not too drastic of a change. Congrats on your upcoming surgery. Vi. open RNY 9/23/02 down 101 lbs.
   — Vi F.

February 4, 2003
I'm not post-op yet, but I can tell you that you are not the only one trying to eat what i love before I can't have it anymore. I know when I see my surgeon next month that he'll be putting me on a until then, I'm eating whatever I like (first time in about 3 years that I haven't been on a diet!!!)...I actually lost 2 lbs...figure that out. I think my "last meal" will be Chinese sweet and sour chicken, pork fried rice and shirmp egg much as I can eat. So...I make a list of 3 things you want to have before surgery and make sure you enjoy them. And remember, there is ALWAYS a way to make just about every dish out there so that its good for us! EVEN CHEESEBURGERS!
   — Renee B.

February 4, 2003
Not that I would recomend this, but, I had 2 months between the time I was approved and my surgery date. I used that first month to make a list of all my favorite foods (and only the absolute favorites!) and restraunt dishes. Then that second month, I made sure I had whatever was on that list. I was lucky in that my Dr didn't have any diet requirements before sugery and in that eat everything I felt like phase, I only gained 1 pound. Where was that metabolism before I planned this surgery? Geesh. Anyway, because of that list, I now don't feel deprived or like I missed anything. I had last supper syndrome big time, but I am ok with the things I can and can't eat now.
   — salymsmommy

February 4, 2003
Autumn, I am about 9 weeks post op..My list of what I wished I had ate before is: PIZZA,CHI CHI'S ANYTHING,AND CHEESE CAKE...I surprisingly dont miss the sweets so much anymore..but I keep seeing these Pizza commercials!!
   — NANCY P.

February 4, 2003
I thought when I had WLS that there would be a ton of favorite foods that I would no longer be able to eat again and so went thru "last supper" syndrome for several weeks. But its not the case. Most post-ops can eventually eat anything they want. There are some that can no longer eat certain foods-some just early post-op and others for ever after, but most can eat pre-op favs again. The good thing though is that post-op you tend to make wiser choices, treat yourself occasionally and when you do, eat a lot less of it. I wish I had known that i would be able to eat my old favs again, as I would not have gone thru the last supper syndrome and gained that final 5-10.
   — Cindy R.

February 4, 2003
I'm 8 months post-op and have been pretty lucky with my stomach agreeing to most everything I eat. I'd have to say that there isn't anything I cannot eat. ALthough most of the bad food I try to stay away from, but if I want, I can have a few bites of a brownie (and I mean few-like 2 or 3 max!) or a lil cake or icecream here and there. Even things like subs and nachos I can eat. Again, not saying I eat this stuff all the time, but if I crave it, i have a few bites and feel fine, so I don't feel deprived. That is one of the great things about this surgery in my opinion! Goodluck to you and congrats on your upcoming surgery!!
   — Lezlie Y.

February 4, 2003
Ok.....something I miss?...let me think......DONUTS!!!!
   — DRutherford

February 4, 2003
BBQ sauce !! The good bbq is full of sugar and I stay away from it for now, someday I will give sugar a try but that was my biggest down fall before surgery. At first I missed all my "chocolate" friends, but I have sense found fantastic sugar free chocolate things.
   — domestic G.

February 4, 2003
I was really worried about that prior to surgery, I thought it would drive me crazy. For about a month before my surgery I really chowed down!!!! Now I know that I worried for nothing. There is nothing that I cannot eat in moderation. I still eat pizza the only difference is now I eat one slice instead of four or five. Hershey Kisses have always been my weakness. I still eat them but know I have a couple and I am completely satisfied, before I would down a whole bag watching a movie.
   — Linda A.

February 4, 2003
It took me three months to find something I really missed and had overlooked. I went to our stockshow & rodeo today and realized that I can't have funnel cakes anymore! I didn't even think about it before my surgery. Would have had one one last time had I thought about it. But, out of sight - out of mind! Best wishes on your upcoming surgery!
   — lezawomack

February 4, 2003
My surgery is in less than one week. A few weeks ago, I realized I had several bottles of good wine that I had bought wine tasting in Napa. I wanted to be able to enjoy this wine without just taking one sip, and also without having to guzzle them just to fit them in. I decided to have a "girls night in" party and invited my friends and family over for dinner, a chick flick, wine and ice cream sundaes. Everyone had a great time. I had a good sized taste of each wine and some great company.
   — Janet S.

February 4, 2003
i am nearly three weeks post op and down 25 lbs.....the stupid food commercials on t.v. drive me pizza hut, and the arby's five roast beef sandwiches for $5.95 drives me nuts...i even have dreams of this stupid commercial...(yes i know it is all in my head). the only thing that i really miss is the "olive garden" with the garlic, cheeses, bread, and salad...haha......i do not crave sweets and really never did...i do find that my taste buds have changed....i crave veggies, and salads at this point out...i just take things day by day and pray ...pray...pray.....Good Luck and God Bless!
   — april-michele D.

February 4, 2003
I can identify with this question because I was obsessed with getting in my "last" foods. I gained weight before surgery and now wished I wouldn't have eaten all of that. You WILL have all the foods you love, but in the future. The time that you can't eat most foods is your greatest weight loss time, so enjoy it and get the most out of it. Promise! you'll have all of those foods again, just in smaller amts will satisfy you. (3 years in April)
   — ZZ S.

February 4, 2003
I had my last donut feast but never did get around to the Oreo one. Sorry I missed it. :)
   — joeandteri

February 4, 2003
I am over 2 years post op and can eat anything that I want. I was concerned early post op that I would never be able to eat my favorite foods again or to be able to eat out in a nice restaurant. Well, I will have to say my life really is normal. If I had to choose one thing that I would love to have, it would be a gooey, yummy pastry of some kind. I have had bites (and quite often more than a "bite") of birthday cake/cheesecake/brownies/cookies/pies/candy/chocolate etc. However, I can never seem to bring myself to purchase a yummy creme horn, danish, strudel. Maybe it's because my body knows that I don't really "want" it and I subconsciously know that even a few bites of this will make me feel "icky". I will buy a bagel (and enjoy it). I never really ate these pastries pre-op, but it seems strange that I won't have them anymore. You will find that once you are fairly far out from your surgery, you will eat normally. Remember not to judge your future eating habits/abilities on your early post op phase. It really will pass quickly and get easier. Good luck!! (Did someone mention donuts????????) Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 4, 2003
I ate anything that moved slower than me the months prior to my surgery....I do regret not making one last stop at White Castle and Krispy Kreme before surgery....i dump fat so its going to be a LONG time before I try either of those foods again!
   — Linda 1.

February 4, 2003
I am 3 weeks will surgery. I've been eating everything in site, to the point where I feel sick at my stomach. So I've got to start watching it. I went to my pcp for a diabetes check, they asked if I'd been watching my diet and I just point blank said "no". Anyway there are so many things I'd like to have, bacon is my main weakness, before my surgery. Hope I can slow down on this eating before then.
   — derco

February 4, 2003
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Never knew they were my favorite....
   — jen41766

February 4, 2003
Funny you should ask this question. The other morning, I had to go to the hospital for a CAT scan, and had to spend the early part of the morning drinking barium. Because of this, I had eaten no breakfast. After the CAT scan, I went to get my oil changed at a combo oil change / car wash. Well, I knew I needed to eat something, and it was going to be 1 hour before the car was ready. The only thing within walking distance was... McDonalds. So, I thought, "I'm 7 months out, never been to McD's, what the heck?". I ordered the Chicken McNugget meal that comes with fries, thinking that I would surely lapse and devour the entire container of fries. Now comes the weird part. It didn't taste good to me any more. I couldn't beleive it. ALL I could taste was grease, grease, grease. It didn't make me sick or anything, it just didn't appeal to me in the least. I ate 4 of my McNuggest, a couple of fries, and had no problem tossing the rest of it. I guess my taste buds have been away from grease for so long now that I can really taste it. Anyways, what the other say is true. Your tastes DO change over time after surgery. I find myself craving lean meat, salad, and fruit. The thought of greasy fried anything just isn't appealing to me in the least anymore. I can eat what I want, but what I want, isn't what I used to eat pre-op. Don't fret about post op eating too much. All those things you think you will miss so much may not even taste good later ;)
   — Greg P.

February 4, 2003
Autumn, ABSOLUTELY NOT...I am just short of 6 mos post op and I have been able to eat anyhting and everything since I was 3 mos out...I don't dump and have no food intolerances. I have like 20 last meals b/c I was afraid I was giivng up something for at least a year! No problesms, but, remember, everyone is different. Good Luck! Heather (Open RNY 8/15/02 - 305/214/150)
   — heathercross

February 4, 2003
Whopper w/cheese plus bacon, onion rings, pizza, taco bell, donuts, caffienated and carbonated drinks, did i mention a whopper w/cheese plus bacon.......oh and anything from Wendy's.
   — Ymmat

February 6, 2003
I'm 21 months out and finally can tolerate almost all foods except raw peppers and things with mayonase in. I wish I had enjoyed a fish sandwich PILED WITH TARTER SAUCE. I can only eat about 1/4 a teaspoon of tarter or mayo before I'm very nausus. (Can only eat about three teaspoons of cole slaw or mac/poto salad before I have to quit). There is no way any of us can know in advance of surgery what we can tolerate. But if I could have known I'd enjoy more tarter and mayo! ;)
   — Danmark

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