
I had my surgery 2 and a half wks ago, and I've already lost 41 pounds! I know I should be happier about this than I am. I went to my shrink tonight, and she said she is going to watch me closely for depression. One time, a few years ago, I lost 80 pounds in three months. I never believed I was as thin as I was. I knew I would lose weight from the surgery--but if you would've told me how fast, I would've never believed you! I am shell-shocked, I think. I put on a jacket that hasn't fit me for three years, and I thought to myself, "I am not wearing this jacket!" But I am, and it's surreal. I'm kind of scared. If anyone can offer any pearls of wisdom, please let me know. I vowed before this surgery that I wouldn't "NOT BELIEVE" I looked better. When I feel this way, it makes me very upset--one minute very happy, another minute very odd.    — Denise V. (posted on January 8, 2003)

January 7, 2003
Denise, I would encourage you to keep talking to your therapist. It seems that your weight is a symptom of some other issue. I think as you work on your depression and self esteem, you will come to realize how much you have accomplished. I am really impressed and proud of you. Hang in there!
   — Alicia K.

January 7, 2003
It takes time for yor mind to catch up with the changes in your body. Therapy can do wonders to help you with the process, but you need to believe that the process can work. I hope that you can begin to enjoy the changes that come with the surgery, and I'm glad that you have saved some clothes that will fit you again. I have too, and am wearing some wool jackets that have not fit in 3 or 4 years-it's GREAT ! LAP RNT 10/9/02 42 lbs gone forever ! Nancy Thompson
   — Nancy T.

January 7, 2003
Firtly, 2 1/2 weeks out of surgery my emotions were really 'out there'! One day I would be depressed, another day I'd want to rip someone's head off, another day, cry. It took me about a month to get off that rollercoaster. Did you have a problem with depression before the surgery? I can certainly relate to the "not believing" thing, I think that just goes with the territory of loosing weight, especially so quickly. I think, for that it will just take time. My surgeon recommend taking pictures of ourselves every month. For some reason it helps us actually realize WE ARE SMALLER. Try not to stress out sweetie, the first month or so is full of really wacked out emotions.
   — Stacy L.

January 7, 2003
I think a lot of us went through a post op depression. It seems to hit most around week 3. I think you ARE shell-shocked a little. Your body has been thru a lot. Your body is dealing with near starvation, lingering anaesthesia effects, fluctuating hormones, and a whole new lifestyle. No wonder it can't get with the program yet! Just be kind to yourself for a few weeks until this passes. Once it does you will feel better. And don't be surprised if you suddenly stop losing weight for a few weeks. Unfortunate that this hits right about the time the post op depression does but it seems to be part of the package. If you do stop dropping weight, stay off the scale and switch to body measurements for a while. Dollars to (sugar free) doughnuts you'll still be losing inches even if the scale refuses to budge. When I came off my early plateau I dropped 2 sizes overnight. Don't worry too much about the weird feelings and just chalk it up to all the changes your body is experiencing. If you do get depressed to the point of wanting to do yourself harm or to sabotage the surgery, please DO get help. Good luck!
   — ctyst

January 8, 2003
congrats on the lbs youve lost! thats great! i agree with what every poster has said so far. i second that emotion! hang in there sweets it does get better, this is the roughest time youll have to endure. :)
   — carrie M.

January 8, 2003
I agree with the other posters that i think we all go thru some depression after surgery and it is great that you are talking to your therapist. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!!! ANd it not at all odd for us not to notice that we look diffrent. FOr so many years we ahve looked int he mirror and see what we look like that our minds automaticly see that for awhile. I am 3 1/2 months out and down 73 pounds and to be perfectly honest it was not untill th last month or so that i noticed what everyone was telling me that i had lost weight and it showed... it took my 8 year old walking in to the kitchen and with all the candidness of youths saying "mommy your skinnier. that surgery really worked" and me going to the bathroom to really look in the mirror for it to click lol. Feel free to email meif you want to talk.
   — Becky M.

January 9, 2003
Denise......Get some drugs! I am kidding! I too went thru a bout of depression following surgery. Talking to your therapist will help you so much. Perhaps he can give you an anti depresent. When we lose weight at such a fast rate, our hormones are going crazy! The weight loss can effect the chemical in the brain that effects your mood. Theres nothing wrong with using medication, if you need too. You will adjust, I promise. Hang in there!
   — Dina P.

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