Since I have had my Gallbladder out, I still have the Same Pain???
I had my gallbladder removed in September 20 and was seen in the er for abdominal pain on Sept 22. It lasted for hours and all they did was take blood, xray, scans. Nothing showed up. Was sent home with the same problem. Went to the surgeon that monday and was told it was a sphicter muscle spasm. Well since that time I have had more that 30 episodes. I was given antispasmotic meds but help some times if not the bad. The WEIRD THING IS THAT I GET THESE PAINS 30 MINUTES AFTER I GET UP IN THE MORNING AND HAVE EATEN NOTHING!!! i FEEL AS THOUGH I AM HAVING A HEARTATACK AND THEN THEY EVENTUALLY GO AWAY. oNLY IN THE moRNINGS. wEIRD. aNY IDEAS? i HAD AN UPPER GI , ENDOSCOPE AND NOW HE WANTS TO DO ANOTHER ENDOSCOPE AND GO INTO THE BILE DUCTS TO SEE IF THIS IS SPASING. THIS COULD CAUSE FULL BLOWN PANCREATIS. i AM TRYING TO EAT ASASP IN THE MORNING. SOMETIMES IT WORKS SOMETIMES IT HELP ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT COULD BE GOING ON???? — classydame1 (posted on January 6, 2003)
January 6, 2003
Patti, I am so sorry to hear of your problems!! I've had somewhat similar
problems, and went through MANY medical tests, before finally getting a
diagnosis. They found that I have trigger points in my butt muscles and my
low abdominal muscle. Basically, I'm having muscle spasms that's causing
SEVERE low back and abdominal pain. My long, sad story is all in my
profile. If you don't get anywhere soon, I would suggest going to see a
pain management doctor. That's who diagnosed my pain. Also, keep a pain
diary, you might find a pattern that you didn't notice before. God Bless
and I hope you feel better soon!!!
— Christine L.
January 6, 2003
Patti, I have the EXACT same problem and have been through all of the same
tests. My Gastro Dr and I have decided to hold off on the bile duct test
because of the complications. My gallbladder surgery was about 5 or 6
years ago. The episodes are getting farther and farther apart. The
antispasm medicine really helps me alot. You just have to take it all of
the time to prevent the attack. Good luck to you....
— Toni T.
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