lactose or ther reasons for stomach pains

please help I just spent 12 hours with what was easily passable for a cruise experience. I haven't lost weight this last 10 days but boy, do I get the runs. I think I've developed lactose intolerance(does this last?) and I never know what food will keep me home close to a toilet. I'm exhausted.    — elaine27 (posted on January 3, 2003)

January 2, 2003
Darlene, you may have to cut down the variety of what you eat in an attempt to find out what is causing your problem. Cut out all dairy to begin with and see if that is the problem. If other things cause the same problem, see a doctor. You may have irritable bowel syndrome or could have an infection. If your a new post-op (didn't check your profile), it could just be the body adjusting to new foods with the new plumbing.
   — Cindy R.

January 3, 2003
I don't even drink milk anymore except a little bit over my cereal when I eat that. Even skim and fat free milk hurts my stomach. Forget about cheese!
   — dolphins94

January 3, 2003
I can't get near lactose (the sugar). I can eat other dairy, though, like cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, cream cheese. And I use lactose free whey protein for my supplement. Much more than a tblsp of ranch dressing, and I've got the screaming miseries. Have not had milk for oever 8 yrs. No loss. Just empty calories.
   — vitalady

January 4, 2003
I agree with Cindy that you need to seriously cut down your variety and then do a slow addition of foods to see what does it to you. I read you had a lap-band and I know nothing about that as I had an RNY...but I would assume it's like what I did with my kids and my own pouch. Start out with one item today (a soup or broth), then add one new thing a day and see what triggers what. Personally, I think I'd ask my doctor about this :>) Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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