Wellbutrin SR or regular Wellbutrin?

I was on paxil for depression and ob/comp. but the paxil was having to many side effects. My doc that put me on paxil wants me on wellbutrin SR.    — Oldsoul (posted on November 22, 2002)

November 22, 2002
I was on SR before the surgery and my PCP put me on regular Wellbutrin after because the sustained release products are not in our pouches long enough to be effective. I can also crush the regular Wellbutrin which you cannot do with Wellbutrin SR. Hope this helps.
   — LM O.

November 22, 2002
Mary, I was on paxil pre-op, and switched to Wellbutrin post op, I started taking it at 2 months post op and am still taking it now 6 months post op.... Afterreading all the post, they said Paxil would make you hungry and was well digested... I wanted the best absortion and less side affects, (Less strain on the liver, absorbtion ratio, the list goes on). so far so good. go for the regular Wellbutrin, for our new little tummies cannot absorb at 100% and the time release tablets and what not don't work for us. I personally find that since taking Wellbutrin, the depression has gone away. If you have any questions feel free to email me, I'm learning too !!!. Good luck and God Bless.
   — tannedtigress

November 22, 2002
Hi Mary :o) I have been on Wellbutrin SR for the past three years, after trying many antidepressants. WE finally found one that really does work and continues to work. I have to say that my Psychiatrist first put me on the Wellbutrin alone and even though it helped, it didn't seem to help as much as I needed so she added Celexa to it. The combination of the two compliment each other and have a great success rate. I couldn't be better mentally!!!!
   — meltedbuttr

November 23, 2002
Wellbutrin is a good anti-depressant. I have been on several and it is the only one that has trully helped me. Wellbutrin SR is designed to have fewer side effects for people who are sensitive to drugs. That is the difference between the two wellbutrins. Hope this helps.
   — Glenda W.

November 29, 2002
If you are post-op, you really need to be on Wellbutrin IR, not Wellbutrin SR. The letters stand for &quot;immediate release&quot; and &quot;sustained release&quot;. The medical community consensus (and the Wellbutrin physician's prescribing instructions) say that people with increased gastric motility (us) or decreased stomach acid (us), will not benefit from the sustained release formulation because the medication does not remain in the stomach long enough for it to be released correctly into the bloodstream. The IR formulation is recommended in that situation.<p>I've been taking 450 mg (3 tablets) of the IR formulation since about 6 months post-op. It's been really helpful to me. The only side-effect I've had is slightly decreased appetite, and shucks, that one's just so hard to live with. ;-) YMMV, but Wellbutrin also seems to dodge the sexual side effects that are so common with other anti-depressants; for me, it's the only one that hasn't completely killed my sex drive. You should discuss the stomach acid/decreased stomach time issues with the doctor who is going to prescribe Wellbutrin for you. The other plus to the IR formulation is that it's available in a generic form, which will save you lots of money if you have to pay for your own medications. Good luck. Open RNY 09/17/01, 310/128/125
   — Julia Z.

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