Another elevated liver enzyme question

just had labs run at 17mos post op and my liver enzymes were still elevated! i don't know how elevated they were before but this time sgot was 80 and sgpt was 90 (normal ranges 10-36). before my doc said to not worry about it, it may be the meds (prozac/depakote) but i've been off both of those for awhile now. my ob/gyn ran the labs so she ordered me switched from Cenestin hrt to a patch (now i'm thoroughly confused and of course she's not in the office today!) so i was wondering if anyone has any insight into this?? what does Cenestin (Estrogen hrt) have to do with liver levels and why are my levels still so high? i don't drink alcohol and i take all my vitamins. all of my other labs were normal. thanks, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs    — jkb (posted on November 14, 2002)

November 14, 2002
Did they check you for Hepatitis C? What I want to know is were your liver enzymes high before surgery and if so, what did the doctor have to say about it?
   — Marcy G.

November 14, 2002
I am having the same problem. Mine are double what they should be. I went to the doctor today and she tested me for Hepatitis C since it is the only thing that hasn't been tested. I had an abdominal CT scan which was normal in September. The doctor thinks the elevated liver enzymes are a by-product of the WLS. I am feeling great, no symptoms.
   — Kris V.

November 14, 2002
That seems to be pretty typical for us, but not THAT high. That doesn't make it "fine" or anything. The list they ask us: do you drink alcohol? they want us to do 72 oz of water. Do you work with cleanign chemicals a lot? Take Tylenol often? I started taking milk thistle 2 yrs ago and brought my levels down to high normal or just a smidge above normal. I can't say thatyou should just dive in, but certainly worth it to ask your doc about it.
   — vitalady

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