anyone have bipolar symptoms stop post op?

hiya everyone. i'm 16.5 months post op and realized that i have not had any depressive or manic episodes since before surgery. i stopped taking prozac a couple of months ago and have been fine. right now i'm only on 500mgs depakote a day but am thinking of going off of it... or...does anyone take anything for mania/hypomania on short term basis without taking an anti-seizure med daily (such as depakote, lithium, neurontin)? thanks bunches, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal weight: 135lbs current: 126lbs    — jkb (posted on September 27, 2002)

September 27, 2002
Kate, I had a vgb on may 13th of this year. I also have bipolar disorder. Since the surgery I have been able to stop taking my depakote and my zoloft. I feel normal. I have not had any manic or depressive episodes, and I have had some really tough times these last few months. I can't say that this will always be so, but for now I am great.
   — tara W.

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