Has anyone passed out ???

I know that not every medical problem is an effect of surgery, but I was wondering if anyone has had any spells of passing out? Iam wondering if it casn be related to low blood sugar or something like that. I had an episode at home a few weeks ago, but it did not last long and I passed out so fast i did not know until i awoke, but this past weekend we were at an amusment park and I was in line with my kids, when i realized i was dizzy and I lost my vision completely. I could not see at all, when i awoke there were paramedics all around and people everywhere. I refused to go to the hospital and was feeling normal again in just a few short hours. I know my blood pressure was 80 over 52, which i know is low, but i was just wondering if eating or lack of had anything to do with it. I have also really been slacking on my vitimans and I was wondering if that played a part in it. Thanks for your advise...    — Malynda S. (posted on July 17, 2002)

July 17, 2002
I haven't had anything that extreme yet. But when I stand still for too long, I start to feel hot and shaky and need to sit down immediately. As long as I keep moving, I'm okay, just standing still is a problem. I'll be curious to hear what others say.
   — Christine L.

July 17, 2002
I actually had my first (and hopefully last) episode of fainting last Saturday. It was 8:00 p.m. and I had only had one protein drink for the entire day and one and 1/2 cups of water. I was standing for about an hour when I began to get dizzy and shaking and briefly went out. Called the doctor and he said it was probably low blood sugar. If it happens again after a normal day of eating, I'll call again. Other than that, I'm not going to worry about it.
   — Lisa N M.

July 17, 2002
Malynda, I have done the very same thing. I passed out in my bathroom a few weeks ago and didn't realize what happened until I woke up. The scary thing is that I was home alone so I don't know how long I was out. I too have low blood pressure now, before surgery it was high. I went to the hospital when I passed out and the Dr. on call said I was dehydrated and they gave me fluids through an IV. I feel like this all the time though and I drink at least 64oz of water daily. I do not take my vitamins as I should either, and that could be a factor. I have noticed quite a few post op people say that they feel dizzy or faint alot. I have also lost my vision for a few seconds, usually when I'm getting up from a sitting or lying position. By the way I had the roux n y bypass (down 142 lbs 8/16/01), what type of surgery did you have? I am curious to see if people that had the same type of surgery experience the same thing.
   — Terri N.

July 17, 2002
Are you drinking your water? I tend to not drink enough and sweat way too much at amusement parks. I have had hypoglycemic episodes when I wait too long to eat, but I feel awful long before I would pass out and I know to eat when I feel like that. (I also know to eat every few hours. DUH! Sometimes I just have to push the envelope.) Also I feel really crummy when I don't take my vitamins due to lack of iron. That gives me a headache and a tired/lethargic feeling. If you have a vision disturbance, tho, I would personally visit the dr. That can be the indicator for many things and is nothing to play around with . . . Please get it checked out!
   — ctyst

July 17, 2002
Sorry all, I had rouxny on June 28th 2001, Down 171 pounds..
   — Malynda S.

July 17, 2002
I know standing for an extended period with your knees in a locked position can cause you to faint...being dehydrated can do it too.
   — Brenda H.

July 17, 2002
I'm curious to hear more answers on this, too. I have been guilty of slacking on my vits (until today, went back at them gung ho) and I have felt like CRAP all week. I've been running a slight temp, my back is killing me between my shoulder blades and just under, and I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. I thought maybe it was just a bug, but I did a LOT of work outside in the heat this weekend, painting our house, and didn't eat/drink near enough. I'm back with the food and liquids as of Monday since I felt so lousy, but I don't know if this is surgery or virus related. I always feel like any time the least little bit of anything goes wrong, it must be surgery related. By the way, RNY on 8/7/01, down 74 or so lbs to 159, got about 20 left to go. I haven't passed out yet, but do notice that I feel okay when I move around, it's just when I'm stationary that I ache and feel flushed/warm. What gives?????????? And it's only been the past 4 days, never before then. HELP!
   — Jenper

July 17, 2002
There have been so many times (I can not count) that I've come EXTREMELY close to "winking out". I've been "very scared". It usually happens when I stand up (from sitting). Yet there have been other times when I was just sitting. I have no idea why except it has been POST OP. I'm assuming it's low blood presure. Pre Op I was around 139/96-110. Now it's usually 110/62 on the dot. (I think this is on the low end of normal). So maybe it lowers when I get up quick. I don't know. I wonder if you can die if you pass out and no one's around? Anyway, I hate the loss of control. It reminds me of seeing some fighter pilots on tv, learning how to keep from passing out in high G forces. When I feel this coming on, it happens so quick and I'm putting everything I have into keeping from winking out. One of these days I probally won't be able to stop it. I've came VERY close a few time. I feel for you guys who have. Seems many post ops complain about this.
   — Danmark

July 17, 2002
Hi, I am pre op so I don't know about the surgery part of it, but I used to be a Vet Tech and during really long sugeries I would pass out. It happened several times, and I think it has something to do with heat, standing still and maybe not breating enough. I tend to hold my breath when I wear surgical masks:) I also have very low blood pressure, so maybe it has something to do with that.
   — Chrissy W.

July 17, 2002
Malynda, my girlfriend was having the same problems and they found it was her iron levels. She also was a slacker on her vitamins after surgery and kept passing out. She is a lab tech and would check her sugar levels all the time and she found her sugar was low. When she went to the hematologist he felt that her very very low iron levels cause her sugar levels to also drop. Since she has been on the intravenous iron she feels much better. She needs hers iv for another reason but maybe you should try taking your iron and vitamins and see if you still have a problem.... I was very surprised to find out how much your iron levels affect in your body.
   — Dawn L.

July 17, 2002
I now have a very physical job (praise God!) and several times I have come close to passing out. Then I realized it was on the days that I didn't drink enough water (I live in Tucson, AZ) and didn't eat enough. I would be working away until 1 in the afternoon and I wouldn't even think about eating. Now I count my protein and make sure I get my water in and I haven't had a "spell" in quite a while. Either way, I would definitely talk to your surgeon.
   — Lisa U.

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