1 year post op, has anyone else felt this???

My question goes out to all of you who are a year or more post op. I will be one year post op next month and i think i have done wonderful this past year, I have lost over 160 pounds and i feel like a new person, but recently i have an appetite and that feeling scares me after not having one for so long. Don't get me wrong, I can still only hold a little amount of food, not as little as 6 months ago, but i still can only handle a small portion, but i feel like i can handle a small portion more often than before. And the snack craving is back. Iam really upset about this, Iam scared to get fat again. I never want to be the person i used to be. Iam now a size 6/7 and I have a whole new life, I dont want to go back to the way i was. My husband was recenly diagonised with a nero muscular diease and i know that stress has made me turn to food, but i just feel like all i do is eat again and i hate that thought. Did anyone else go through something like this and how do you get yourself back on track????? I appreciate all your feedback. I hope everyone is having a good day-- God Bless----    — Malynda S. (posted on May 14, 2002)

May 14, 2002
I don't have a solution for you but I totally understand the way you feel. I am constantly worried about gaining what I've lost (Or losing what I've gained). I thought that once the weight was off, the fight would be over. It's only just begun! I have anxiety everyday over this. I would just love the obsession and fear to just disappear. It's so heavy on my heart all the time.
   — Jeannet

May 14, 2002
Hi, Melynda. I am 13.5 months post-op and down about 180 lbs. It's funny how this surgery works. You feel unbelievably full on a very small quantity of food. Think you're overeating? I challenge you to write down every morsel of food you put into your mouth for a week or so. I think you'll find that you're eating A LOT less than you think you are. I felt like I must be eating around 2,000 calories because I was always so full. When I actually monitored my intake, it was more lik 1300-1500 calories, which is still allowing me to lose 1-2 lbs. per week. Enjoy the full feeling and please try not to get into the guilt-->binge cycle. It is a trap that you've worked hard to get out of!
   — Terissa R.

May 14, 2002
Melynda, first of all, I hope your husband is doing okay. Now, to answer your question , yes, we all feel these things. We are only human. Be patient with yourself. I know it's hard,food has always been our comfort, and it's a habit that's hard to break. I am about 14 months out, and it's something I deal with occasionaly. I usually ask myself if I'm really hungry, and then I will drink something first. It usually is more thirst than hunger. Try not to be hard on yourself. Don't get into the diet mentality , where your'e down on yourself after you eat something. It will only make you feel worse. I will also make and drink a protein drink before I snack, this really wipes the hunger out for me. Treat yourself to something besides food, a book you've been wanting, a movie you've wanted to see, a new shirt, etc. Be kind to yourself, sweetie. No one else can take care of you but you!! 8 ) Love, Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

October 22, 2008
I started to chew ice in water. It gives my mouth the satifaction of eating and get my daily water neeeds.
   — acyapi

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