What exactly is an EGD and Gastroenterology, and why do I have to be sedated for it?

I am schedule to have them both in 2 weeks, i know it is to check to see if i have h. pylori (?) or problems b/c of heartburn i get, but what exaclty do they do? THANKS! :)    — Lezlie Y. (posted on April 30, 2002)

April 30, 2002
An EGD is an endoscopy. Different doctors have different ways of handling it - some don't put you out for it, although they do sedate you - but mine was way easy. I was not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight before. The day of the endoscopy I went to the hospital and they gave me an IV by which they administered some type of anesthesia, that put me into one of my best naps ever (I couldn't wait to go back for my colonoscopy)! While I was sleeping the doctor sends a teensy, tiny camera through my mouth and down the upper portion of my digestive tract (esophageous, stomach, upper part of small intestines) to take pictures. I was woken up about 20 minutes later and was under a warm blanket and given some juice and grahm crackers. :) Overall a very easy, painless, and quick event. Don't worry about a thing.
   — PaulaM

April 30, 2002
An EGD is a scope that is put down your throat so that the doctor can look at your esophogus and your stomach. He can check for inflammation, ulcers, cancer, etc. You don't have to be put under, but trust me, when they start shoving that scope down your throat you will want to be! I'm not sure what you are talking about with the other term. Gastroenterology is the study of the digestive tract, and a gastroenterologist is the doctor that specializes in this field. There is no test by that name. Hope this helps some.
   — DJeffrey

April 30, 2002
oops! thanks donna! :) i am seeing a gastroenterologist and having an EGD, thanks.
   — Lezlie Y.

April 30, 2002
Hi, I just had the Ged test and it was a snap..Tell your docotr you want ansethesia..I was very nervous also..but dont worry..It is only a % min test when you are under anesthesia..They put an IV in your arm..Hook you up to the heart monitor and bllod presuure machine..If you have any questions just email me at [email protected]
   — ELAINE A.

April 4, 2003
An EGD is when they put a long tube down your throat to see what is happening in your esophagus and stomach. When you have GERD, abrasions can form in your lining and they need to make sure that they are healed before surgery. I had one EGD in January and they did a follow-up EGD in March. They put you under local anesthesia, typically at an outpatient center, it takes about an hour. The drug that they give you during the procedure makes you forget the procedure but allows you to follow directions when they tell you to swallow. I do not remember either procedure and my throat felt a little sore the next day.
   — soloco3

April 4, 2003
I had an endoscopy done this morning, and when the lady told me that the drug they administer gives you temporary amnesia, I sort of chuckled. Well guess what... she wasn't lying! One minute I was sitting talking to the physician's assistant about sunburn and the next thing I knew I was back in the recovery area drinking a coke! Also, many people complain about throat pain afterwards, but I feel absolutely fine. I was starting to wonder if the procedure had even happened until the doctor handed me some souvenir photos of the inside of my stomach (Ohhh, thank you doc, just what I wanted!). lol I must say that this was one of the more pleasant hospital experiences I've had... it was a snap!
   — Leni M.

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