My feet are swelling like they did before surgery.
I have always had normal 4 day periods before surgery, but this time, it has lasted for two weeks and my feet are the size of grapefruit and are so swelled they hurt. This used to be a daily occurence before wls but not since. I am also tired and depressed. I have gained 8 pounds this week, I'm almost certain it's water weight, but what could be causing it? — Tammy V. (posted on April 17, 2002)
April 17, 2002
I am almost 2 yrs post op. Although I am maintaining my weight (at goal) MY
ANKLES have been swelling lately also. I remembered what a dietition once
told me , that sugar and carbs will make a person retain water even worse
than salt will. So I really took stock of my diet , I increased my water ,
increased my walking (which had just about stopped) cut way down on the
carbs . I really don't use sugary products , but still I am prone to slip.
Well today was day one and very little swelling occured , I think I'm on
to something here!! Now I don't have the period thing to deal with anymore
but that can be a contributer also. I hope that in some way this is helpful
to you. Good luck , you have done so well , be proud of yourself.
— Rose A.
April 17, 2002
I also have trouble with ankle swelling. I am 7 1/2 weeks post op, and for
the last year I have had ankle swelling, especially around my period. I had
hoped it would be better post op, but so far it hasn't been. My periods are
also lasting longer and are coming irregularly. I guess my body is still
adjusting to the changes. I don't know what is causing my swelling, or
yours, but I know how frustrated you feel and how annoying it is. It is
likely to do with diet, the amount of salt, carbs, and sugar. If I find out
for sure, I'll let you know! My cardiologist says it is
"cosmetic" only from varicose veins and "venous
insufficiency" which means my overweight has stressed out my veins and
the blood does not return to my heart at the rate it should. He won't
prescribe fluid pills for his and he just recommended support stockings. I
don't know if it helps, but we share the same problems!!! Mary C
— Mary C.
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