What's the best, most concise way to bring DH up-to-speed on WLS?
I've logged a gazillion hours researching & learning about WLS for myself- but I'm having trouble finding the best resource to give my husband to read. I especially want him to learn about the nature of obesity, medical necessity, etc., as I can find the technical stuff on surgery pretty easily. Thanks for your help! Beth N — Beth N. (posted on April 14, 2002)
April 14, 2002
I sat my DH down with me in front of the computer...we started at beore and
after pictures on this website...and then went from there. We read
everything together (the fifth or sixth time for me - first for him)...even
the Memorial Pages. Once I was able to show him everything I had
discovered, he was behind me 100%. (We still look at the B&A pictures
- looking forward to the day I get mine in there, too!) Best of luck to
you. OPEN RNY 7/17/01, -90, 47 to go.
— blee01
April 14, 2002
We sat here at the computer and did a great deal of research together, and
he attended support group meetings with me as a pre op as well. Support
persons/spouses have a lot of concerns and questions of their own that
support groups can help answer for them. It's an invaluable resource.
— Michelle R.
April 14, 2002
my husband was also against this. I started him on this site (as you will
find many others do) and then took him to a seminar where we both gathered
information. Support group attendence for 8-10 months. Meeting other post
op people and husbands and men that have had surgery too. It was the
seeing and beleiving that changed him, the real pepole and their advice and
testamonials that helped. We talked about it ALL the time. It was the
focus of our lives for the first year pre op, now I am 7.5 months post op
and he sees the results and that I am heathier AND happier too. It all
takes patience and education, and use the time you reasearch for yourself
also, there is so much to learn about what to do after your surgery, use it
as a gift of to you in your journey.
— Deborah H.
April 14, 2002
Here's a great article from the husband of a gal who had the surgery - in
fact her site and her book are definitive on wls surgery
Hope this helps. I used this for my Mother - it took her months - but she's
86 and slowly, finally came around, and this site really helped her.
(((hugs))) Sharon
— Sharon W.
April 14, 2002
I think you are doing the right thing to help your husband learn all about
the surgery. You may have done this already, but I'll make the suggestion
any way. Don't forget to share with him not just the mechanics of the
surgery but also what the surgery will mean to you. When I sat down to talk
to my husband about it I had my list of diet attempts and a list of all the
things I had lost out on in my life because of this life-long battle.
Through lots of tears we had the most inimate conversation about my weight
I have ever had with anyone. He was so much more willing to look at the
research and we made a decision together for me to have the surgery. My
schedule date is May 30th.
— Cheryl S.
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