I need some advice on a breast reduction

I'am going in on Monday for a consultation on a Breast reduction.I'am 5'9 and 260 I'am naturally large framed.Large breast run in my family enormously.I was before I gained my wieght 176 when I gained the wieght I gained about 1 to 2 sizes in my breast.It's not that I'am that big chested they are just extremly heavy.My regular PC said I should have breast reduction because even for a women my size they shouldn't be so heavy I'am a good E size thinking about going to a DD or as low as a C.any advise on if I should wait til I lose mabbe 100 pounds to see if they go down (which I was a D to a DD before wieght gain).Or do it now?? thanks in advanced for your advise:)    — Jane L. (posted on March 1, 2002)

March 1, 2002
Hi Jane... I will share my experience. In 1991 I had a VBG and lost 170 pounds. Prior to surgery I was a 48 III... When lost the weight.. down to 200... I was a 40 GG.... Having the reducation was the best thing I ever did... As far as waiting regarding losing weight.... you see what happen to me when I lost weight.... I could not wait any longer I wanted them cut off!!!!!!!! LOL You will have to remember whatever you reduce to you will lose more weight...... Feel free to email me if you have any further questions.....
   — Pamela W.

March 1, 2002
Jane, I also have a DDD cup, but I am going to wait until I loose all the weight to see what I need. If they are not smaller I am definitely having a reduction to a C cup, but I figure I may need a breat lift etc by that time and do not want to have more than one surgery. (Cant afford it). My advice is to weight, but only you know how much they are bothering you. Good luck!
   — Terri H.

March 1, 2002
I had breast reduction the last time I lost 100 lbs., and was about 20 lbs. from goal weight. One doctor told me it was best to wait until I got to the goal weight before doing it, but I didn't want to do that... it was the end of the year, and didn't want to have to pay out my insurance deductible again, so I went ahead with it. I wouldn't think doing it prior to the weight loss would be a good idea. Your body is going to change a lot after the weight starts dropping off.
   — KelBurt

March 1, 2002
My advice is DEFINITELY WAIT. I had a reduction about two years ago and I really do think it was the best thing I could have done (aside from WLS of course). I weighed about 200 lbs then (250 now) and had 8 lbs removed (from an overflowing G to a small C). I finally was not defined by my breasts! Life was great! But now I am afraid that they will wilt away to nothing after WLS. The last poster had a very good point, too. After a significant weight loss, they will almost definitely sag regardless of the size. With the reduction comes a very tight lift. What a great change it was to have my nipples point up to the sky instead of down to my feet! Best wishes with whatever decision you make.
   — Rhonda C.

March 1, 2002
Well if I were you I would WAIT!~!!!!! I saw a web page of a lady that had her boobs done first and ended up getting implants. She was totally DEFLATED. I am going to look through my book marks and see if I can find her page and send you the link. Good luck to ya~~~
   — Sassy M.

March 1, 2002
Would insurance pay for it if you go down 1 to 2 sizes?I have back,neck,shoulder pain getting to be extreme everyday.Can't hardly do everyday living things.I dun know if I'll even be able to loose the wieght I have :PI"ve been this way for 7 years lost 40 pounds went right back up for no reason they've checked my thyroid nothing wrong with that :)I have extreme rashes specially during the summer so bad I can't wear a bra.My under wire digs into me 24/7 and I can't wear soft cups cause they won't hold me up AT ALL.I'am at a lose :(
   — Jane L.

March 4, 2002
Another consideration is would your insurance still pay for breast work after your weight loss? While ins might well pay now for your reduction, after your weight loss, they might consider any plastic surgery as cosmetic, rather than medically necessary. I was about a 54 or 56 DD/E pre op & am now a 38C. Very saggy, but I don't think there's a chance my ins will pay for a lift, not that I won't TRY.... From what I understand, to qualify as a breast reduction, a certain amount of tissue has to be removed, I'm sure I would NOT qualify in that respect, I don't have much to spare, just wish I could reposition it. I DO think it would be best to wait til after your weight loss, BUT that's IF your insurance would still pay for the surgery.
   — Kathy W.

March 4, 2002
Hi, I had a BR 6 months ago. Went from a 42F to a 40D..6lbs removed. I am waiting for approval for my WLS. I did the BR first because I didnt have any idea that I would decide to have WLS until recently. I am glad I had it first though because I am pretty sure that when I lose 80lbs or so my boobs would get smaller..too small for my insurance company to pay for a BR. Plus they would always have been saggy and I am now perky from the lift. I dont know whats going to happen to them after my weight loss but quite frankly I dont care if I lose almost all of them. I'm a pretty full D now so I can afford to lose quite a bit. When I get down to a size 6 pant I will be happy to have a little size B boobie. LOL. Good luck..I say do it now or you might end up having to pay for it yourself.
   — Michal L.

March 4, 2002
My insurance paid for my reduction BUT only after I lost all the weight. Insurance companies feel if you loose weight your breasts might get smaller. Mine didn't so they paid--it was so worth it!
   — Laura R.

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