Has anyone else had there pre-op appointment the day before surgery?

I am having my pre-op at the hospital the day before this common? I thought it had to be sooner incase they had to test you for something else prior to surgery??? I would appreciate your surgery is in 10 days! (2-20-02 & pre-op on the 19th---thanks!!)    — Ami C. (posted on February 10, 2002)

February 9, 2002
Because I had no major comorbidities (like diabetes), I had all my pre-op testing done the morning of surgery. I reported to the hospital at 6 a.m. and my surgery was about 1 p.m. the same day. Unless you have some major health problems, I wouldn't worry about testing the day before. Good Luck!
   — Pam S.

February 10, 2002
Hi, My pre-op tests are tomarrow and my surgery is on Wednesday. I think it all depends on your surgeon and situation.
   — M. S.

February 10, 2002
My pre-op appointments with the pulmonologist and the surgeon were scheduled for the day before surgery because I live 3 hours from there. However, these appointments were cancelled because Mother Nature got very trick and dumped 8 inches of snow the night before the pre-ops (I left town very quickly on Tuesday before my appointments on Wednesday trying to beat the snow). I saw both doctors the morning of the surgery at the hospital. I did have pre-op EKG and blood work done at the hospital the day before. The pulmonologist asked me a few questions, ordered a chest x-ray and cleared me for surgery. The one good thing that came from the snow was that I got to miss the Magnesium Citrate - I was supposed to get it when I visited the surgeon the day before the surgery. I did great - had no problems at all with the surgery. That was 10 weeks ago and I have lost 66 pounds. Life is WONDERFUL.
   — Patty_Butler

February 10, 2002
Yep, I did =)
   — DebPKansas

February 10, 2002
I had mine the day before and I had worries too, but all went well and I'm 2 weeks and 3 days out! :) Best of luck!!
   — Paula Prichard

February 11, 2002
Thank you for all the responces! I appreciate it alot!!! =)
   — Ami C.

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