What if I don't have any documantion on previous attempts at weight loss?

I have been overwheight most of my life. I spent 2 summers at fat camps, have tried WW 4 or 5 times starting since I was about 11 or so, I have taken over the counter pills, and I joined Physicians Wheight Loss back in the late 80's, but other the the camp I don't have anything documented. Is this going to be a problem for me? I have read that some people with Cigna Healthcare have needed it. What should I do. I'm afraid I will have problems down the road and I want all my ducks quacking in a row!!    — sonjasales (posted on December 3, 2001)

December 3, 2001
Try to find any papers regarding weight watchers. Can you go back to the place you went? Maybe they have you on file if it has not been too long. What about gym memberships? Any thing regarding your weight. Get all medical records in the past. Check your weight. You may be surprised you have more than you thought, just by your regular check ups and such. You might even try letters from family/friends, and, especially your pcp. Good luck to you, and keep digging! Marie Awbrey.
   — Marie A.

December 3, 2001
I dont know how your insurance is but I went to the BTC for my surgery and I did not have evidence so I wrote down everything I could remember. And that was 12 years of what I did to loose weight and I did not go to Jenny, or Weight Watchers... But if you can get any paperwork then try. Otherwise start remembering what all you have done.
   — kris71872

December 4, 2001
If you are unable to find any documentation you will need to start another program if you have Cigna.( have you contacted weight watchers or the fat camps about your past use?) Even if its at your doctors ask for a diet and go in for monthly/weekly weights(just make sure the medical assistant writes down about the diet each time you go in, hopefully your dr will write about it too. A referral to a dietician with monthly or weekly weights. With these you'd just be stuck with your co-pays. If you have money to spend you might re join WW, TOPS, a gym, anyplace that will keep records of your attendance/weight. It would be wonderful to find your old records. Did your dr ever put you on a low fat/low cholesterol diet with followup labwork? Many drs offices weight you each time you go in. In getting years of my old medical files I was surprised that many of my doctors had wrote down that weight was a problem and diet discussed. Of course I remember a diet was discussed whether I hurt my knee or cut my finger or with heavy periods, I always blew them off since I knew I needed to lose weight and many times I knew the weight wasn't causing the problem I came in for. I didn't realize the doctors records showed that diet was discussed for years along with my weight at each appointment.
   — Helen B.

December 4, 2001
I too have Cigna PPO and what I did was I got a copy of anything that I could get my hands on that showed my history. I called my pharmacy for a copy of all my prescriptions for diet medications (Phe-Phen). I got a copy of my Weight Watchers chart, and my doctors office also told me since that was the only two things I had to make a Diet History Chart. You should included the Name of all the diets you tried as many as you can remember no matter how far back. The dates of when you started and when you finished. How much you lost. How much you gained back. Trust me Cigna will require this chart so make sure you do this. I did and I got approved. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! Good Luck
   — Nicole F.

March 13, 2002
Do you have any freinds from those times? I am still freinds with my herbalife dealer and go to church with a lady that was in weight watchers with me. The both wrote letters for my file. My doctor said that is proof.
   — Laurie V.

March 13, 2002
All I had to do was list all of my attempts. That was enough. Check into it, that may be all you have to do. I certainly hope so!
   — Stephanie N.

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