Is this a possible small hernia or adhesions?

Hi there. I am now 3 1/2 months post op Lap RnY, and haven't really done too much exercise. (Bad Me), Anyhow, about 2 1/2 weeks ago, I started doing targeted exercise. Crunches, pushups, leg lifts, weights, isometric type exercise. About a week or so ago I noticed that I have a twinge, to the upper left of my right incision. It doesn't hurt. And I never feel a twinge there while I exercise. Only at the end of the day while I work, (on my feet). I don't know if this is something that should slow my exercise down. I would hate to make a small hernia into a large one. I do about 100 crunches a day and about 50 leg lifts too. BUT, this is spread out throughout the day, not all at once. (That would just kill me!) Anyhow, any ideas? I have no nausea assosiated with it either, no fever. SO I tend to think it is adhesions just say irritated. Should I slow down, STOP even? Thanks for the advice. Take Care, Annie :)    — Annie R. (posted on November 28, 2001)

December 26, 2001
The answer to that question is always, first and foremost, call your surgeon or family doctor. I had something similar in my bellybutton where a few of the sutures had been, and asked everyone I knew about it, except my surgeon of course. I finally called him, and went in for a quick exam. It turned out to be scar tissue and he put me immediately at ease. Good luck, wish I had your motivation for exercise!
   — Marilyn P.

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