I have been on seeing a nutritionist for 5 months, does this qualify?

I have been obese for 6 years, last year I lost 100 lbs. and I regained it plus30 pounds in one year. I have been seeing my nutritionist for 5 months, and he put me on a 1500- calorie diet and I haven't had any junk food for a long time. I have only lost a little over 5 pounds since i've been on this diet, and he and i think that something is very wrong. I went to see my gynecologist, and he ran a thyroid test on me but it came out normal. My nutritionist wrote a letter to my doctor saying he is having me see him for a more successful chance at losing weight, and my gynecoligist wrote a letter saying that he ran tests on me, but we talked about my diet, and possibly surgical intervention. Does anyone think this is enough info, or do I need more. My bmi is 42.2, and I weight 262 pounds, My insurerer is Cigna PPO. Has anyone had a problem like this and been approved by cigna ppo?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 16, 2001)

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