How many grams of protein should we get per day?

   — Oldsoul (posted on November 9, 2001)

November 8, 2001
My surgeon and nutritionist suggest 70 grams a day when a new post op. After about 6 weeks (when more of the protein comes from food) they recommend 60 grams a day.
   — Tracy L.

November 8, 2001
At a support group, someone asked my surgeon (who was the speaker that night) the same question. He wants his patients to get between 90-120 grams. If I understand correctly (perhaps I don't) this was to be for 12-18 months post op. After that time it drops to around 60 grams. But every surgeon's views are different. Always stick to whatever YOUR surgeon suggests as he/she tells you what is best for YOUR particular proceedure. As for me, I don't do suppliments (to expensive and taste shitty). So I don't get anywhere near close to even the minimun amount of protein. But who has money ($120 a month for what I took only during the month of June)? But I do try to eat as much protein as I can and I'm 6 months post op with NO hair loss so I guess I'm getting enough. Just follow whatever your surgeon says. I think it all depends on how much is bypassed.
   — Danmark

November 9, 2001
My surgeon recommends 50 to 60 grams per day.
   — [Anonymous]

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