Has anyone had to deal with serious sinus/allergy related drainage?

I am allergic to just about everything and my current PCP has me on Zyrtec and Panmist JR (a decongestant)now. I still have a terrible drainage using these drugs. I am pre-op and I often get a nausous feeling from the drainage in the morning. Clariten just isn't strong enough to take for the sinuses. When can you start taking pills after surgery? I have seen lots of people say they get sick and throw them up. This is my biggest concern right now--how to handle the drainage without Zyrtec and Panmist JR. Has anyone had serious sinus problems after the surgery? I've already had two sinus surgeries, so I think that medical science has exhausted their ideas. I just have allergies that require medications! Anything to share?    — Susan B. (posted on September 29, 2001)

September 28, 2001
Susan - I live in a part of Oklahoma that they refer to as "Green Country" because everything is so lush and green! Well, all that does is bring on the allergies and I am allergic to the great outdoors! I lived on drixoral before my surgery. The first week after, I was afraid to take anything. I tried my son's Claritin as it was small and dissolved, but it didn't do squat! My doc said not to swallow anything larger than a plain M&M and that is about the size of a drixoral. I started taking them one week post op and have not had a bit of trouble with them. In fact, now that I am about 3 months post op I only have to take one in the morning and sometimes one in the evening due to ragweed, but that is sooooo much less than before. Give it a try and good luck!
   — gina P.

September 29, 2001
Although I know there are a lot of people who cannot take pills after their surgery, I was able and allowed to swallow all my medications, including those big @$$ calcium tablets and those 1000 mg. Glucophage pills, so you may very well be able to take your sinus medications. I take Allegra 180mg. tablets everyday for my allergies and have no trouble taking them. Good luck.
   — Maria H.

September 29, 2001
Hi! It's me again. I am scheduled for surgery on November 12th and am having the RNY-Proximal. It's good to hear that you can take the Zyrtec! I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to get it down. I think we will have a freeze before the surgery...and maybe some of the allergies will go away! All of your answers make me feel so much better. I was concerned that I would wake up with a pouch full of drainage and be sick in the morning--every morning!! I just don't think I could take that! Of course, with my mind made up like it is, I would do whatever I had to do!
   — Susan B.

September 29, 2001
I have had sinus surgery twice and since my Lap RNY I have been taking my 2 allergy pills twice a day crushed at first and I have been swallowing them whole since week four. Since the surgery I have not even had a cold or sinus infection. By the way I also get allergy shots every two weeks and none of the above has caused me any problems.
   — [Anonymous]

October 2, 2001
I have been able to take (smallish) pills since about 6 weeks. Hopefully, though, you will have my experience and your allergies will all but disappear! Also, have you tried a nasal spray? I took Astelin and it worked wonders for me. But now I don't even need it . . .
   — ctyst

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