Will throwing up cause rupture or staples to pop

I'm just concerned that I'll cause a rupture or more damange by accidently picking up something (like my toddler) or if I throw up too hard. Anyone have any problems with this??    — MaryEllen S. (posted on September 26, 2001)

September 26, 2001
You mean internal or external staples? In the stomach or on your skin? (PS, when I was born we lived in Kerrydale...)
   — M. A. B.

September 27, 2001
I was wondering about the internal.. now you have me worried about the external too haha.. BTW, I read your 'story' and thank you, your humor was much needed today! Also, I see you havent moved too far after all these years!
   — MaryEllen S.

September 27, 2001
I don't think so as I have throw up rather hard at times and my stomach has handled it just fine.
   — Danmark

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