Employer's Employee Assistance Program
I don't have mental health coverage in my insurance plan, but my company does have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) where I can get free counseling sessions. Has anyone used their company's EAP to get their psyc. evaluation done? — Jean B. (posted on September 14, 2001)
September 14, 2001
The psyche evaluation is typicall billed under a medical diganosis anyway
so I'd double check w/ the specific psyche dr your surgeon wishes you to go
to for evaluation. I have used EAP for regular stuff but I'd really
wonder if they would test w/ the MMPI?
— Dawn R.
September 14, 2001
Hello Jean, I found my current psychologist (I chose to find someone to
talk to as I go through the WLS process, even knowing I'd need to have the
psych eval) using the EAP. I know that the previous poster has had some
difficulty with the program, but I have not. I found the folks at my
companies hotline very helpful and easy to talk too, they helped me find a
WLS friendly doctor as well. I SITLL had to see my surgeon's choice of
psychologist for the testing, so I can't help with that part of your
question, but I personally can recommend using the EAP to hook up with a
mental health professional in your area.
Find out if your doctor has a preferred provider for the Eval, who knows it
just might work out! Best of luck!
— Joscelin
September 14, 2001
I work in my company's human resources department and am in charge of our
EAP program. Let me tell you the company does NOT know the names of the
employees who use this program. It is entirely confidential. A separate
telephone number for the EAP is given to the employees. You call the EAP
for what-ever counseling you need. The only records given back to the
company contain the else. I say call them!!
— [Anonymous]
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