My surgery is 9/24/01 and I saw that someone has a list of things to get before hand.

If someone could email me the list I would very much appreciate it. [email protected]    — Beverly S. (posted on September 7, 2001)

September 7, 2001
Hi ...I havent had surgery yet. But thu advice of my friends who have, this is what i have bought (or you can borrow) 1. a pottie lift...15.00, 2.a wedge for the bed to stack pillow on, 3.the vitimans others have mentioned -some are saying the prenatal help best 4. tried samples of protien drinks to pick one i like, 5. a comofort mat for the guest bed (where i'll be staying) to make the mattress fluffy, 6.beano..for gas...and room spray for the...YOU KNOW....7. Carnation sug free instant breakfast 8. Shampoo from beauty parlor (that may or may not help in hair loss) Ive got a lady to come help me clean just before surgery, and having my carpets cleaned next week. 8. and for my own self...ive gotten all my yearly exam out of the to you
   — Jackiis

September 7, 2001
Hi, Beverly. That list is on my website, and almost 1000 people have visited there in the last 2 weeks alone. You can access that, as well as a lot of other useful WLS information you should know at: I've had a lot of positive feedback from postops about it being useful to them and help creating the list from my postop friends who have lost 148 and 150 lbs each, the big losers. You can also access it by clicking on my name here, which will take you to my profile page and then click on my website address below my name. Good luck to you !!!
   — Lisa D.

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