Very tender lump near incision...

I have a tender lump to the side of my incision. I am 3.5 weeks post-op Open RNY. My incision has been draining for about 2 weeks somewaht near the lump. There is no smell. My doctor is aware of the drainage. Does anyone know what this tender lump may be? I go back to my doctor on Wednesday.    — barbpatter (posted on August 18, 2001)

August 18, 2001
Barbara, I am almost 8 weeks post op, and I have one knot right in the lower part of my incision. It can be tender, but my doctor said it is just the main point of incision closure on the inside. Yours could also be just the fluid build up that needs to drain out. You should have seen my face when I found my incision draining!!! My doctor doesn't use drainage tubes and about 1/2 of the people have some incisional draining, but nobody told me. I thought I was dying! :-) As you can see, I wasn't. I only drained about 2 days, but the nurse told me it would drain as long as it needed to. Per her instructions, I would gently push around the drainage spot to encourage complete drainage. Ask your doctor if you can do that. It hurt a little, but it was worth it to have it stop draining. ((((HUGS))))
   — Sharon N.

August 21, 2001
I have one of these right under my belly buttom- I would almost guarantee it's a hernia- that's what mine is. My guts pushed above my incision line when I had my C-Section (vertical). It's not painful but feels like a small ball. I'll have it removed if my insurance co will ever approve this surgery.
   — Suzie ..

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