Is There Anyone Out There Wishing They Didnt Do This????

I am posting anonymously so all you "FREE AT LAST" people dont gang up on me, This is a serious issue I have had great success with WLS and I admit without it I might be dead, or very unhealthy, but the fact remains the same I JUST WANT TO EAT A SUB SANDWICH OR A BIG MAC AND CHASE IT DOWN WITH A BIG GULP, I know when I decided to have this surgery I was miserable from being so FAT but no where near as miserable as I am now not being able to eat a NORMAL meal, I am not looking for people to judge me, just understand me and give me some good feedback......    — sonnybone (posted on July 23, 2001)

July 23, 2001
David, I don't think its at all unusual to mourn for some of your old food favorites...hell they may have been ruining our lives but they were GOOD! I think possibly that you have some months now under your belt since your surgery and the honeymoon is over. I cannot ever imagine not eating a Big Mac or hoagie making me more miserable than being obese. Think back to your dieting days, just the word diet makes all food seem so much more attractive. I don't want to be flippant about this, but continue making the right choices that you committed to making when you had this operation and I think these feelings will pass. I guess most can expect to have these emotions off and on. Im sure you arent alone.
   — [Anonymous]

July 23, 2001
david, stop depriving yourself of these cravings, have a bite or two or eat half of a big mac, my doc belieaves that this surgery should teach us how to eat in moderation, there should be no wanting of anything, i have craved chocalte,cake, chips and on and on, when the need is there i will satisfy that need, lets face it we are still human surgery does not chang that, but surgery does teach us that everything is good in moderation, i am dn 120 lbs in 7 months, and dont think for one moment that i havent had fast food, or candy but when i do have these things its in very small quanties, and once my itch is scratched i am good for awhile,i also dump so i know the limits my body can handle, treat yourself once in while as long as you can handle it, remember your the one in control now! food is no longer in control of you! good luck
   — kimberly G.

July 23, 2001
Ya Know I feel the same way. Just today my husband and I were out and about and he was hungry. He wanted a taco, well the taco place was busy so I said how about a burger? So I went to Burger King, He got a double whopper, and you know what I had 3 HUUGE bites!!! YUMMIE! I have not had a burger in 5 months. That was the BEST. I eat usually whatever I want when I want. I don't dump, and yes I do eat sweets if I want. I started this journey as a "Lightweight" and was told that I wouldn't loose very fast. Well i'm 5 months out and have lost 81 pounds. Yeah Me! I say eat what you want and don't drive your self crazy. I eat whatever in moderation. no it's not everyday that I eat sweets. I do stay away from greasy foods, I hate french fries now! I was just telling my granmother the other day that I wanted a FAT Sub sandwhich, hot pastrimi with cheese. I think that we are normal in wanting to eat regular portions, I was just telling Jose the other day that I wanted to eat a big plate of food. I would rather where I am now than eat a whole plate of food. Good luck to you !
   — Heather C.

July 23, 2001
David, I know exactly where you are coming from. I too, mourn the loss of the food, and the amount I was once able to eat. When I'm out to dinner with friends I get so jealous that they can eat an appetizer, bread, salad, soup, and then DINNER! I have to watch them while I wait for my meal, because if I indulge, I won't be able to have dinner at all. Then again some days I can watch people eat all that food, and be truly grateful that I don't need it anymore. So, I do know how you feel, and understand, however, I would not change it for the world. It is very frustrating to have that want... to eat the whole sub, but so satisfying to not be able to.
   — Kim B.

July 23, 2001
David - Your question reminded me of an interview I saw with Julia Childs. She was asked how she managed to stay so slim when all she did was cook such delicious meals and desserts. She said that she was able to maintain her figure because when she did eat what she cooked, it was in moderation. She said 'yes I have some of that cheesecake, but only a bite or too, and it satisfies my tastebuds.' I think that is what everyone here is saying as well. I think this is part of relearning how to eat. As long as it doesn't make you sick, then a bite or two of something you've been craving will be fine. It may be worth an extra walk around the block to have a couple bites of that Big Mac. Don't beat yourself up, hun. Just realize that it is going to be a long road ahead and this is just another speed bump along the way...a lesson to be relearned. Chin up...I think you'll do just fine.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 23, 2001
I have'nt had a big mac since my surgery. When they go on sale for a $1 sometime I'll get one and eat half or less, and eat the rest later. I do that whenever I'm hungry for something fatning. I just don't make a habit of it. I don't miss foods as I have control to eat a bite or two and leave it. I feel free. I'm so sorry you feel the way you do. Perhaps you should just have a small whatever it is your hungry for. Do you think it would work? You are the only one who can judge whether it would work or not. Good luck to you. :)
   — Danmark

July 23, 2001
This is for the person who posted anonymously about the fat free cheese cake. Please, would you email me the recipe? It sounds so good, and I already use Splenda so I'm half there if I can get the recipe. Thanks.
   — Danmark

July 23, 2001
I think we all have those cravings and have to deal with them...but don't give in to those nasty habits that made you obese to begin with. When I want to down a plateful of French Fries I just go and put on my sz 32 cut-off shorts and look at myself in a full length mirror. All of a sudden I am thinking "Damned, I look good!" and I don't want those French Fries anymore! It may sound stupid, but it helps me. 14 months post-op and from 316 down to 170 25 more to go! ps. It also helps because I live at the beach....that can be brutal when you are 300 pounds...frat boys are not kind to the 300 pounders!
   — Tracey D.

July 24, 2001
I think it's called food grief. I'm three years post-op and I still get bummed out when I can't eat a whole lot of something I really love. "why didn't I just try Jenny Craig again?" runs through my mind. But, the craziness passes.
   — margaret N.

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