Having an endoscopy, will I be completely out?

I have to have an endoscopy to rule out an ulcer before I can have surgery. I was wondering if you are completely out, or just groggy. I have panic attacks and don't won't to have one while having this procedure. I'm hoping you are completly under.    — Gail M. (posted on April 27, 2001)

April 27, 2001
I have had endoscopy and my doctor (who I no longer go to anymore) had me do it unsedated. He believed it wasn't necessary. It was bearable, but not fun. Anyway, my understanding is that normally you are given "twilight" stuff. So, you are really barely conscious and probably in and out. I'm also interested in replies because I'll most likely have to have another one before surgery. Good luck! Don't worry! You'll be fine. It's not painful, just weird.
   — Meredith P.

April 27, 2001
I am still pre-op but from what I am told, it is considered "conscious sedation" -- You are technically awake but pretty out of it. A friend of mine had it and said it was a piece of cake. Don't get to stressed out about it, I really don't think it is that bad! Good Luck and God Bless!!
   — Donna H.

April 27, 2001
I've had about 14 or so, spanning many years, even pre-op. It's a nice afternoon nap, and I've never awakened too soon or had any problems with it. Kind of a nice little rest when I must do it. The closest thing to actual "pain" is probably the IV.
   — vitalady

April 27, 2001
I just recently had an upper endoscopy. Don't worry, it was easy. I was put on an IV and a few minutes later we started. I don't remember feeling sedated, but I know I was "loopy". I heard myself retching, but didn't feel it, it seemed as if it were someone else. The sedation wore off almost completely and I was free to go. I wasn't allowed to drive for 24 hours, and my throat felt a little swollen inside, though not sore. One embarrassing thing though. Having given birth to 5 kids and being overweight, I have urinary stress incontinence. I wish I had thought to wear a pad or depends or something, because I realized I was wet when I got up. I mention this because a lot of heavy people have this problem and I wish someone had thought to warn me. Of course not everyone retches at the thought of a hair in their mouth like I do, let alone an edoscopy tube. If you do, be prepared! Really though, no big deal, you'll be fine with a little sedation. They could have said they were going to cut my arm off, and I wouldn't have cared. Good luck!
   — blank first name B.

April 27, 2001
I had my endoscopy on April 11th, and I don't remember a thing! I remember the doctor spraying this aweful tasting stuff on the back of my throat then telling me to turn on my side. Next thing I knew, I was back in the recovery area. It was a piece of cake! I was so scared that I would gag and choke, but it was really easy for me. Hopefully it will be for you too. It doesn't hurt to voice your concerns to your doctor who is performing it. They tend to make it easier I think. Good luck!
   — Lori E.

June 25, 2001
I guess I am the only unlucky one on this panel of responses, because my endoscopy (just had it last week) was horrible! The doctor sprayed me with this stuff and I couldn't breath so I started to panic right there (even though the nurse said It was OK if I felt like I couldn't breath I truly felt that my throat would close up!!)....then the doc told me to lie down and he shoved some tube down my throat and I just kept wretching and I thought I would definitely throw up, but I hadn't eaten anything so I didn't. Then, after what seemed like an eternity I must've fallen asleep because I don't remember anything after that except my throat felt very dry and irritated all day, and nothing tasted good at all. It was not a pleasant experience, and I hope I never have to do it again. Sorry, I just have to be honest here, I would've rather had a tooth pulled with no anesthesia!! LOL
   — pamwashere

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