What is the oldest you can be to have WLS

   — [Anonymous] (posted on April 3, 2001)

April 3, 2001
I know of several women in the support groups I go to here in Portland Oregon have. I hope you'll get responses soon.. I know its possible.
   — Dawn R.

April 3, 2001
I am 50 years old.......i am having surgery April 9th, next Monday.......As you get older, it is even harder to lose weight.
   — Marie B.

April 3, 2001
I read somewhere that this surgery is for people up to 60 years old. I'll be turning 48 around the time I expect to be approved for RNY. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 3, 2001
I was 54 years at the time of my surgery. My husband had his surgery one month ago at age 57. The decision to have this surgery was the best one we ever made. :-)
   — Diana T.

April 3, 2001
yes! i just had my first appointment with the surgeon and if i pass all the tests; cardiac, pulmonary, bloodwork etc. i can have the surgery at age 62. He did mention signing a waiver?? age-related i guess. He said the cut-off usually is 60, but he has preformed surgery if it's warranted, on older patients.
   — judy M.

April 3, 2001
Hi... My step day had Open RNY (and revision) with Dr Pomp in NYC in October. He was at about 450 pounds. He could barely walk from the stress on his knees and suffered from severe sleep apnea. HE IS DOING BEAUTIFULLY!!!! I saw him this weekend. He is so high on life. He has lost 130 pounds. He looks and feels great! He suffered no complications, and went back to work in about 3 weeks. He is so happy with his choice. By the way, he is 60!!! If you have any questions, I will forward them to his for you. Best of luck!
   — Jeannet

April 3, 2001
I had BPD/DS on May 30 and was 51 yrs. old. I have lost 148# and feel great! Please feel free to email me if you have further questions.
   — Ruth M.

April 3, 2001
Me too! I gave myself WLS surgery for my 54th birthday and I do NOT regret it. I am 12 weeks post-op and minus 44 lbs. I'm doing GREAT! When I went to sign up, someone said something about my age ... I thought "MY AGE??? ... gosh, my age never-ever even entered my mind." I was so excited about getting to have WLS ... my mother thought I was nuts!
   — Betty Todd

April 3, 2001
I was 50 when I had an open RNY May 5, 2000 and I did not have any problems. I have lost 103 pounds and at a weight I am happy with. I have gone from a size 24-26 to 10-12. I no longer need to take meds for sugar, high blood pressure or my heart--I had a heart attact at age 48. I feel great and would do it again if needed. Hope this has helped. Donna WV
   — Donna A.

April 3, 2001
Hi, I'm 53 years old and 2 weeks post op.. RNY open and I feel great! I will be eating some solid food starting next week and I can tell you I'm really looking forward to that. I do not regret having this surgery at my age, in fact, I cannot wait to be skinny again!!
   — Victoria B.

April 3, 2001
I just turned 52 on March 2nd this year and my Open RNY is set for this Friday , April 6th @ 7:30 AM. We are never too old to improve our health and quality of life !
   — kountry

April 4, 2001
Hi, I'm 59 and had my open on 2/13. Feeling great. Heard a great quote "how old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?"
   — connie m

April 4, 2001
Hi~ ~ I turned 53 this pass Dec. I had an open rny 3/19/01. Surgery went great no complications. I went for my first post-op visit 10 days after surgery & was down 17#. I already am driving & sleeping on my stomach. I just wish I new about this surgery years ago.
   — socco58

April 4, 2001
Add me to the list of happy campers. I turned 57 Feb. 17th and had a lap RNY on March 2nd and today I am 25# lost and gone forever. It can only improve your health. I do not regret it for one minute. Went back to work 2 wks post-op.
   — PAT D.

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