I found out I have a hernia and i'm 6months out of surgery. Has anyone else had this

   — [Anonymous] (posted on February 21, 2001)

February 20, 2001
I have a hernia since four months out of surgery. I am now 10 months post op. My surgeon told me as long as it doesn't bother me and I can wait until I lost my 100lbs then he would remove it. So far I have lost 115lbs and is waiting possibly until this summer before I have it removed so that I can get my tummy tucked done at the same time!!
   — [Anonymous]

February 21, 2001
I'm 13 months post op and have had an incisional hernia since 10 months. It seems to have gotten a little bigger. I'm at goal and have lost 100 pounds. I went to see a plastic surgeon last week. The hernia repair will be covered by insurance but I'm waiting to hear if a TT will be covered. I doubt it as I don't have an apron, just loose skin. If I didn't have the hernia, I wouldn't be looking into a TT. Some have hernia repair on an outpatient surgery and others have to stay overnight. You will still have a 6 week recovery with no heavy lifting and probably wear a binder. My doc said I might be able to return to work in 2 weeks if all went well and no heavy lifting or stenuous work.Anyway, hernias can get bigger and can cause problems. Mine has never really hurt. It just looks funny. Hope this helps. Lou Ann
   — Lou Ann J.

February 21, 2001
I developed a hernia about 4 months postop. I've been to a surgeon and am waiting for approval for pannulectomy which I will have done at the same time as my hernia repair. I'm 11 months postop now and down 121 lbs although I still have about 100 lbs to go. I decided to have the pannulectomy now instead of waiting til I hit goal weight because there's a better change the insurance will pay for it if I have them done together. One word of caution about the hernia...I had four bouts of abdominal pain and nausea within a 1.5 week span (this happened a couple of weeks ago). These episodes lasted about four or five hours and always felt like the stomach flu. The last episode lasted about 17 hours and was so severe that I ended up in the emergency room. They did tests, including an ultrasound, and couldn't find anything wrong. Gallbladder, liver, kidneys, pancreas all checked out okay. During my followup with the doctor he mentioned that my episodes might have been caused by my bowels being pinched off in the hernia. I hadn't been careful about the hernia, was still lifting, etc., and never realized the hernia could be the cause of my problems. I've been more careful for the past couple of weeks and haven't had any more problems. I did some thinking and realized that 3 of the 4 episodes happened about 6-8 hours after sex (we couldn't remember if we had had sex the before the other episode). Needless to say we've been a little less rambunctious during sex! Just something for you to think about.
   — Kellie L.

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