Does anyone get tired of small portions/no sweets after maintaining weight loss?

I am in the process of having open RNY, (probably 3/2001). I'm excited, yet scared. After the initial excitement of the weight loss, less painful joints, etc... How does the small portions/no sweets play for the rest of your life? I just saw a tv program about "making the right food choices" not dieting, etc.... because it is not a diet, it's a lifestyle. Then I wonder, "Am I crazy to 'sign up' for a major committment lifetime of 2-3 bites"? Has anyone ever second-guessed your decision? Can someone help me get my head on straight? lol Many thanks in advance!!    — Shelby W. (posted on February 11, 2001)

February 11, 2001
I agree with Sue. You will be suprised at your eating habits after the surgery. Initially, you will be able to eat such small portions after the surgery. Over time, you will be able to eat more. However, you will be eating a lot healther and far less then before surgery. Pre-op, I used food as a crutch. Now, there is times I don't think of food in the sense of what junk and high fat food do I want today. I only wished I would have done this 5 years ago.
   — Jan M.

February 11, 2001
I am 4 wks post-op I've never had a problem with wanting more I usually eat a little more just slow and chew well and I have never considered sweets and I used to not be able to go to bed unless I new there was enough sweets in the house to get me through the night. Not to worry go for it.
   — Mike H.

February 11, 2001
I am only 6 weeks post op but I can tell you that I feel freed of my need to stuff my face. I have never wanted more than I can eat. I am so grateful to have food play a secondary role in my life instead of being #1.
   — Lisa B.

February 12, 2001
I don't think you are committed to a "lifetime of 2-3 bites." I am two months post op and eat more than 2-3 bites. I can tolerate sweets (no dumping), but they just don't taste the same. I can have a bite or two of something I really craved (sweets or fats)and it just doesn't taste as good as I remember it. I am eating like my husband now, a "regular" person. And I must say, it is wonderful. You'll be surprised how much easier it is to "just say no."
   — Maria H.

February 12, 2001
I am 4 months post oP and can tell you that you dont have to only eat 3 bites and thats it for the rest of your life. I also can eat sweets and dont dump. But you don't want food the same way and trust me I used too want to eat all the time but your body and mind change. I've lost 92 lbs and feel great and can eqaat almost anything I want. so go for it and dont be discouraged.
   — Heather K.

February 12, 2001
At very near my goal weight I have NEVER regretted my decision to have Fobi.. I'm 14 months post-op I have lost 208 pounds.. My meals are varied from 3-4 oz depending on how hungry I am (definitely not a few bites wonder where that story came from?) I eat very normal meals I try to eliminate as much fat as I can with substitutions when I cook, but other than that I eat very normal meals..If and when I crave sweets (very rarely) I have lots of sugar free recipes I can whip up if I so desire, although fresh fruit is my craving now. I honestly still don't care for the sweet taste though, I prefer sour now like mustard on everything LOL I was on three meals a day with two protein packed snacks for a year, however, I'm still trying to heal from this abdominoplasty surgery so my surgeon has asked me to increase my meals to 6 a day for enhanced nutrition (protein) makes for faster healing... I can tell you I don't worry about my future commitment for life.. I love my pouch it keeps me under control on portions size.. Full is full it's all relative to your new stomach size.. If not for my pouch I'd be back to eating tons of food and we all know where that got me..This is a very doable for life I now know I have a future with beauty of the pouch as my tool to success without suffering missing a thing.... feel free to read my journal and see my picture journal on my profile page or visit my webpage at <a href="">Gastric Bypass Information, Links & Recipes</a><br>
   — Victoria B.

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